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Watching a movie by yourself or with others is a nice way to spend time away from life’s demands. Is there a movie you’re looking forward to or recommend?

Please Observe Instance Rules:

  1. Do not violate any laws, third-party rights, and/or proprietary rights.
  2. Do not harass others, be abusive, threatening, and/or harmful.
  3. Do not be needlessly defamatory and/or intentionally misleading.
  4. Do not upload without marking obscene and/or sensitive content as such.
  5. Do not promote racism, bigotry, hatred, harm, and violence of any kind.

Special Community Rules:

  1. Non-English movies are allowed as long as they have subtitles.
  2. If possible, critique the content of the movie and not the political agendas.
  3. Mark spoilers as such for those who have not yet seen the film.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 483


  • 62



Registration Status: Open

Getting Started: If you are new to federation, please read a short explanation on how federated social networks work.

Community Creation: To keep communities organized, the Create Community feature is restricted to admins only. Please request communities in c/CommunityRequests.

Instance Rules: We want everyone’s voices to be heard, but we encourage you to adhere to the End User Content & Conduct section of the Terms of Use and Services.

In short, please:

  1. Do not violate any laws, third-party rights, and/or proprietary rights.
  2. Do not harass others, be abusive, threatening, and/or harmful.
  3. Do not be needlessly defamatory and/or intentionally misleading.
  4. Do not upload without marking obscene and/or sensitive content as such.
  5. Do not promote racism, bigotry, hatred, harm, and violence of any kind.

Disclaimer: These rules may or may not apply on other instances, especially when browsing the All section. Other instances will enforce their own rules differently.

Donations: We operate at our own expense. Help keep this site up! or with cryptoucrrencies.

Data Storage & Privacy: The server and all data is located in the United States, but the hosting company and domain registrar are registered and operate within the European Union’s jurisdiction. For more information, please see the Privacy Policy and Legal pages.

Tor: MaiionChat is on the Tor Network!
