All of these things definitely were in the news, of course. They just don’t STAY in the news, and the public memory hole works fast.
And Trump will take credit for it all and his idiot believers will eat it up.
In the exact same way Biden took credit for people returning to work after covid
Because they’re fucking bread crumbs. What you want us to hold a parade over credit card fees while housing, education, healthcare and food continue to become more expensive and Biden’s cabinet works to suppress wages? Neato.
Ya, basically Biden is only able to solve minor first world problems instead of any sort of meaningful attempt on any of the several huge issues.
This isn’t all his fault, he’s not a king and can’t do whatever he wants, but I also don’t often find my own managers all that happy with me when all I can say I’ve accomplished is minor, non-critical tasks and haven’t even started on the major work they want accomplished. Making a report look nicer and fixing the break room coffee machine isn’t going to cover for failing to launch our latest product. Americans are right to be disappointed in their government and we should be disappointed in our media for failing to stick to larger issues.
I’m more disappointed in the people who keep voting conservative blockers into the senate and house than I am that biden won’t circumvent them.
He could have stayed out of the rail strike, he could have not gone around congress to ship weapons to Israel and he could have told Yellen not to make suppression of worker wages her goal.
You’re trying to deflect blame away from him as if we’re all expecting him to do things he can’t. Biden isn’t acting in our interests and it should come as no surprise that means we’re not interested in voting for him again.
Especially since Biden was brought into that position to do precisely that. Do some pet projects but not challenge the underlying root issues of inequality and peoples economic situation. Because that would be against the interests of the billionaire “donors” of the Dems and Reps.
They’re steps in the right direction, but in general I agree with the sentiment. We need much more drastic changes.
We need new leadership, these geriatric parasites aint gonna do shit to really change anything.
Their main job is to placate us while transferring nations wealth upwards. Looks at the national debt over last 30 years and nothing to show for it. Literally no infrastructure, no social support except for boomers/old. Everybody is also in more debt. Every major market is consolidated is being price gouged.
This shit don’t happen on its own folks. Somebody did this…
Blame congress for 99% of that. The president doesn’t have as much power as people seem to think they do.
Trump’s going to make this a dictatorship if he’s president
Biden can’t do anything slightly meaningful because the presidency doesn’t have as much power as people thing it does.
I know this will get downvoted to hell, but jesus the hypocrisy of these sort of statements blows my mind.
Biden has made significant progress for the average person during his presidency, which is disheartening given the potential for even greater impact. It seems he knows that simply meeting basic expectations will be enough to outdo previous leaders.
I suspect it’s also full of foreign agents acting on bad motives. That and children for whom this is their first election, who are caught up on ideals instead of slow and steady progress.
This is literally how moderate Democrat voters are and you all tell us to cater to them in every single election.
Now give me single payer healthcare/Medicare for All, and I’ll be a happy camper.
We need more Democrats in Congress for that. A third of the Senate and all of the House are up for election in November. Attendance at the polls is crucial for down-ballot candidates just the same as presidential.
Vote in November, or be ready to accept what a Republican President, Congress, and SCOTUS decide for you.
The thing that stinks is
A) the electoral college makes it so only 4 or 5 states really matter
B) there’s an amnesia about trump from the never trump republicans. My dad is conservative but didn’t vote trump. He thought he was an asshole. Now my dad talks about how Biden is crooked, and the only reason people hate trump is because, and his words, “orange man bad”.
C) puritanical leftists have valid reasons to not like Biden, but they are willing to blow up the system as they always have. I say puritanical because I know there are pragmatic leftists who exercise restraint in their actions.
In 2020, the suburban vote was a critical win for Biden. I’m hoping for the best, but I’m starting to sit with the fact that Trump has a decent, if not likely, chance of winning in 2020.
We need more Democrats in Congress for that. A third of the Senate and all of the House are up for election in November. Attendance at the polls is crucial for down-ballot candidates just the same as presidential.
What guarantees can you give us they won’t “fumble” the ball like they did during Obama’s presidency? If they do will you finally acknowledge the fucking problem?
He can’t do that.
People keep saying the things Biden have been doing are weak, half measures, but they have no idea what he’s actually capable of doing without Congress.
He literally tried to wipe away a significant amount of student debt. He tried to fulfill that promise without Congress. The Supreme Court stopped it.
Honestly I think the entirety of the last 10 years of complete government failure should be tied back to the almost totally non-functional legislature.
The president can’t pass laws. The supreme court would matter far less, if we weren’t trying to creatively reinterpret ancient laws and applying them to technology and culture that didn’t even exist at the time they were written. Instead of updating and clarifying any of those laws, the supreme court has been allowed to effectively make policy by continually shifting interpretations of a static and obsolete set of laws that Congress should have updated 20 years ago. Several times courts have effectively changed policy by saying ‘the law doesn’t mean that, go write an actual law for that, don’t just make shit up’ and then Congress just doesn’t react at all.
If you look back at history, constitutional amendments were relatively regular up until recently. Can anyone imagine our current government passing an amendment for anything at all? Even the most minor tweak would be impossible in this Congress. Several of our major ‘wins’ were mere court cases and like we found out with abortion, what the court gives, the court can take away. Anything about our current day to day life that exists solely based on a court ruling we should be fighting to codify into law, but we all seem to recognize how futile that task is.
Funny how often Democrats try to do things that will definitely fail but then with things they actually can change there’s always some bullshit excuse.
We don’t have medicare for all or something similar because Democrats refused to make it happen during Obama’s term. That combined with the kid gloves they took to the financial sector during the financial crisis disillusioned a lot of people. Most Democrat politicians are corrupt pro-corporate trash.
which is disheartening given the potential for even greater impact
What potential? Without Congress or the Supreme Court, what potential things could Biden be doing that would have “greater” impact that he isn’t doing?
Something that doesn’t require a new law, and won’t be shot down by a hostile conservative court?
Please give me examples.
Without Congress or the Supreme Court
Pretty sure the potential lies in changing this.
Vote. Not just for president, but for every office you’re able to. Because this shit isn’t just “Trump did it!” or “Biden didn’t do enough!” It’s also the legislators, and a lot of the judiciary they approved (and probably pushed during the Trump administration). Not to mention all the state and local reps that initiate most of the policies that affect people.
It basically all starts with Congress. We could fix so much shit if we ever managed to get a real majority (not 48 Dems and two ‘not technically Republicans’)
They can’t give you any examples and neither can the dorkuses downvoting you. Biden has accomplished a lot with the maggats playing the “I don’t wanna” game whenever a dem is in office. He not only had to dig us out of the hole the orange menace left us in, he also has to cure cancer, be the first human to step on Mars, etc and even then people will find something to bitch about.
With any luck (and a lot of hard work) we will have Biden for a second term and then a dem to replace him in 2028 so at least 12 years of the adults running things. Then maybe we can get some shit done and stop trying to tread water at best.
He could get caught trying.
He could frame a big-picture vision of what he and Democrats value, expressed in terms that speak to Americans emotionally. He could push for policies that Republicans and the Supreme Kangaroo Court will shoot down, and then go to the American people and blame them for taking away good things that everybody wants.
The student-loan debt relief effort had about 1 1/2 of those things. The rest of the time he tends to talk about particular bills and policies. Republicans can stop those, and those things become dead letters, but dreams and hopes are evergreen.
It takes immense amounts of time and effort to bring new items like this forwards, so each item you choose to do means time and money that can’t be used bringing a different policy forwards.
Based on that why should Biden waste his time developing and bringing forward policies that the Republicans are obviously going to immediately shoot down, it just prevents him from being able to work on things that might actually get passed
I’m just glad he’s not using a sharpie to write “finish them” on bombs instead of pushing for a cease fire.
If only politics were about policy and not popularity.
Yeah. But they’re not. Usually.
Interestingly that’s more a function of media more than politics. Political movement “in a vacuum” doesn’t require popularity. But since we have put political power in the hands of everyone vs a king or whatever, the media is the ocean in which politics “swims”.
But they did make headlines, that’s how we know about these. The FTC and FCC doing their job more is good and makes headlines.
It’s good, don’t get me wrong. But man it feels like table scraps compared to a lot on what Biden ran on in 2020.
Not really. The average person knows more about trump’s bowel movements than these accomplishments. The average undecided voter is lazy and needs information spoon-fed to them. That’s why it matters what is reported in the media.
And also, the people who run the media have very fucked up priorities. Biden’s NLRB can make historic strides in bringing unions back into American working life and they every so often run a story about it if there happens to be something they can say that has the word “Starbucks” in it.
But, if either Biden or Trump ever farted on camera, it would be all we heard about for a month.
if either Biden or Trump ever farted on camera, it would be all we heard about for a month.
The public’s attention span has gone down, for better or words. It probably wouldn’t last that long. So we got that going for us.
Remember the fucking “Dean scream”? Fuck policies, a dude yelled!
Sure, I agree that it should be brought up more, and that Trump gets endless free airtime even from liberal news outlets. But it’s just wild to go “No one remembers or talks about these, the media ignores it!” while we’re talking about it and the good it has done.
“We” are not the corporate media, but to your point they did dutifully report these stories, perfunctorily, on page 23 or behind the weather, sports, movie recommendations and lots of ads.
The reporting was not commensurate with the benefits of the policies. As such, the people who most need to know about them likely won’t, but “we” do.
But man it feels like table scraps compared to a lot on what Biden ran on in 2020.
Given that the republiQans retook the house in 2022, what did Biden run on that he hasn’t delivered?
- Freeing Mexican citizens locked in cages at the border, but has in fact increased the numbers according to the ACLU, and now limiting the numbers of who can come in like fascist Trump wanted
- The COVID pandemic is still ongoing, we’re just ignoring it while I’ve had friends die from it after it was “over” according to the CDC. Also removing the 14 day expected leave for it to improve
companies fucking over sick and healthy workers alikethe economy - Roe v Wade being reinstated, for the party that “cares about women’s rights”.
- Minimum Wage increases (Yes Congress is in charge of the purse, but can he say “please fucking do it so everyone has better income?”)
- Ran on trying to stop cops from shooting innocent civilians, but in his first State of the Union said “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!” to bipartisan roaring applause. I know he has a fucking cop as a VP, but god damn.
- And he’s not doing anything to stop Project 2025 from getting into place if Trump wins.
- Could maybe consider giving new arms to Ukraine and stop funding explicit genocide in Palestine.
- Didn’t help the unions during the rail strikes give into the demands for better worker safety and benefits, blocking it like how Reagan blocked the FAA from striking for safety and benefits
- Still allows Trump-era expansions of spying agencies, that was made public under “constitutional lawyer and defender” Obama, and instated under Dubya.
But we don’t have the President saying stupid shit on Twitter every day, so I guess that means we’re back to a sane normal, or whatever white cishet liberals need to say to sleep well at night. Ignore the bloodshed of BIPOC and queers, women and their doctors fleeing red states over being arrested for bodily autonomy, and that white nationalists just goosestep freely because its not respectable to tell fascists to fuck off and die, it doesn’t impact you, so it’s all sane politics and electable!
- Freeing Mexican citizens locked in cages at the border, but has in fact increased the numbers according to the ACLU, and now limiting the numbers of who can come in like fascist Trump wanted
Numbers have increased because more people are crossing the border. Biden has initiated several programs to streamline the asylum process and reduce the time people are detained. For example even though unaccompanied minors crossing the border have doubled since the end of Trump’s term, the number of pending asylum cases for minors has decreased.
- The COVID pandemic is still ongoing, we’re just ignoring it while I’ve had friends die from it after it was “over” according to the CDC. Also removing the 14 day expected leave for it to improve
companies fucking over sick and healthy workers alikethe economy
If you thought Covid was ever going away, that’s your mistake. Nothing to do with Biden. Get your vaccine and boosters on schedule and you will be fine.
- Roe v Wade being reinstated, for the party that “cares about women’s rights”.
Congress passes laws, not the president. The Supreme Court wouldn’t let and executive order last a day. Biden did what he could by allowing Mifepristone to be dispensed by pharmacies and sent through the mail.
- Minimum Wage increases (Yes Congress is in charge of the purse, but can he say “please fucking do it so everyone has better income?”)
He has said that and he did what he could by raising the minimum wage for federal workers.
- Ran on trying to stop cops from shooting innocent civilians, but in his first State of the Union said “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!” to bipartisan roaring applause. I know he has a fucking cop as a VP, but god damn.
“Defund the police” as a slogan is just ammo for Republicans. He is right to move away from it. Biden tried to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing act but the Republicans blocked it. He has done a lot more. See below
- And he’s not doing anything to stop Project 2025 from getting into place if Trump wins.
He’s running against Trump. That’s how he is stopping Project 2025. Stop fucking trying to make that fail by repeating lies and propaganda
- Could maybe consider giving new arms to Ukraine and stop funding explicit genocide in Palestine.
You said before that you know Congress has the power of the purse. He cannot do the things you want without Congress voting for it.
- Didn’t help the unions during the rail strikes give into the demands for better worker safety and benefits, blocking it like how Reagan blocked the FAA from striking for safety and benefits
You’re ignoring what Biden did after. He kept pushing for what the union wanted and in the end they got their sick leave. The IBEW that led Biden
- Still allows Trump-era expansions of spying agencies, that was made public under “constitutional lawyer and defender” Obama, and instated under Dubya.
It sucks but that is going to happen no matter who is president. At least Biden took action to protect us from foreign spying.
You are right on every single one of these, but you aren’t going to get a response to any of them on here.
Liberals stop caring about immigrants, women, poor people, COVID, etc, as soon as there is a Democrat in power they can make excuses for.
Yeah these absolutely made headline / TV news when they passed. No idea what OP means.
He means they aren’t brokered talking points. No one is pushing this, because there’s not a huge amount of money, bots, every news outlet that has a vested financial interest in getting Biden a second term.
Trump was found guilty, took a huge hit in polls, then turned around and had the biggest funding boost in US history.
Expanding internet access in rural areas with the Build Back Better plan. That alone was a massive investment into our infrastructure.
I have family in rural NC , two different areas. Both have lived in those areas for 15 yrs. When AT&T pulled out due to not enough customers, they lost internet. The only option they had was 10 down, 1 up (advertised), for $65 a month.
Last year they got word AT&T, and several smaller name companies were moving out there. Now they get 300 down, 10 up for $50.
I’m actually switching very soon to a fiber company that recently started covering my area and has only been active at all for a few years. They only have coverage in like three towns, and don’t cover all of any of them (mostly for obvious reasons related to local geography and where you reach the most people by running the lines).
Is there any info on who got funding for Internet in rural areas via Build Back Better? I’m curious if Biden is the reason they are a thing and we have any broadband Internet competition at all.
You can see of you qualify for the program : reconnect. It has a few reference to who has received funding. If you dig deeper, I’m sure you will find more info.
Biden made the big announcement as part of multiple packages at the time. The same plan that is suppose to put high speed rails on the east and west coasts.