Only if the wealth is redistributed to the masses though.
Yeah exactly. Normal inheritance means their kids or spouse inherit, and the number of billionaires remains the same.
Fun fact, if I were to inherit the wealth of a billionaire family member who was shot in public I’d get philanthropic real fast!
Many people say this. However of those who talk the talk, barely any ever walk the walk.
However I think if you are born an heir to a billionaire, you’d lack the perspective which might foster selfless philanthropy.
I’d like to think that if someone from the working class would randomly get such money they would. But it still seems unlikely.
I was thinking about this the other day. If I had half a trillion dollars (like the guy who just bought the presidency) I would spend it building a city from scratch. A walkable/bikeable city with free public transportation. I don’t have enough expertise to speak about affordable housing ideas, but with that amount of money I can pay someone to come up with some good regulations. Don’t know why but that’d be my passion project.
Starting a psyop on 4chan for making edgy school shooter wannabes start aiming at billionaires instead.
“You see anon, it’s not that girls don’t like you or that your class has 1 non-white person in cornbread America, it’s that billionaires are leeches in society, and the cops they own would stop you. Don’t fire at classmates, fire at the upper class.”
For good measure point out that people migrating into the country are often because the 1% are offering them otherwise high paying jobs at below minimum wage, but thanks to the exchange rate that’s like a million dollars an hour back in their home country.
Don’t make it obvious that you’re on the Left or they’ll ignore you on principle. Make it sound like you’re “one of them”
I tried to teach socialism for terminally 4chan people, it’s hard, and can be immediately undone by /pol/, some other nazi shit, etc.
I did it once, in person, and all it took was food every day for a few months. We all shared our food at lunch instead of keeping it to ourselves, and we all went away more full than we had before. (the reason is that we all got a larger variety of flavors than before, but that’s not the point. The point is communism) Never out had to talk about leftism or politics either, people just sort of came around via eating.
My OCD wonders if they factored in having to assassinate the heirs of the CEOs who immediately become billionaires, recursively until every fortune has been divvied up so many ways nobody has a billion anymore. Cuz that would be necessary if you really want to “run out” of billionaires, and would also mean you advocate executing children for inheriting a lot of money. This does require thinking beyond the simple meme, but go ahead - you can do it!
Unlike royalty the transfer of wealth isn’t instant so if you work fast enough you can achieve a brief window when there are no billionaires.
Wealthy people likely have a living trust and the next trustee picks up immediately without needing time-consuming procedures like probate.
People might be reluctant to assume possession of billions if people were murdering/ systematically killing billionaires. So, it might be achieved relatively quickly.
I wonder what that particular scenario’s Gini coëfficient versus Cumulative Assassinations plot looks like. Sounds like the plot for a new season of Death Note.
Compare the number of size S body bags used every time the cops gather to watch another “mentally troubled loner” to the average number of immediate family over 18 size of each billionaire, kids would have a trust fund guardian you’d rather capture than kill. All in all you’d probably expend a lot less ammo for more benefit going top down. Hypothetically of course.
Any reason to prefer capturing trust fund guardians rather than killing them? I mean, the base plan doesn’t call for checking how the original billionaire got their money or assessing them personally. We’re operating strictly at meme level - controlling enormous wealth is evil. “Kill them! Kill them all!” Anybody who decides to wuss out and start adding constraints could be a shill or an apologist - at any rate it doesn’t show full commitment to Sparkle Motion.
Ironically, moreso for legal reasons than anything else. If Jeeves becomes the sole guardian of the kids’ inheritance, offing him means you lose the passwords to the offshore accounts and control of the trust goes to some extended family member or the bank itself. If he can be coerced or turned, you’ve a much easier route to accessing the funds, buying the company that makes school lunches and telling them to knock it the fuck off charging children for food.
We don’t need to kill them all, just enough to make the rest realize that “number go up” doesn’t mean much when you see a torch and pitchfork every time you look out a window.
E) This is assuming all banks and lawyers follow legal procedure, which may go out the window along with the first publicly defenestrated billionaire so…I’m not sure how we go about getting all the digital bank notes but I’m just a grunt who exits the plane early, that’s a question for someone smarter
I love how Luigi has become a defacto symbol of the revolution. I can’t imagine Nintendo being happy about it.
Also, only about 28,000 hundred-million-plus-inaires on Earth.
For perspective, significantly more Palestinians have already been casually genocided by our bestie trade partner in that current conflict.
The blight upon our civilization of billions is not that large.
I’m not even suggesting they be adjusted, because I’m not a sociopath like they are. Use an economic guillotine, confiscate their exploitation gotten hoards for the commons(yes nationalize essential industries like utilities and Healthcare so they’re owned by society), reshape the economy to stop rewarding speculative gambling with exploitation gotten chips over honest labor and vocations like teachers that keep civilization running, obviously institute a maximum wealth cap as other people live in this society going forward to prevent recurrance, bring their ego scores to zero for their murderous greed, let them keep $20 and give each of them a set of literal, cheap bootstraps, and let them get a real job.
Bar them from forming any kind of corporate entities or investing in anything other than a standard savings account for life, just as people convicted of computer crimes are sometimes barred from operating computers as they’ve proven they’re a danger to others with them.
I’d be shocked if half of them didn’t take themselves out of the equation suddenly being subject to the same reality as their current livestock.
I never didn’t when I reached the age of reason and saw the social tolerance celebration worship of unchecked avarice as the core rot in our civilization for what it is.
Im glad so many are finally overcoming their capitalist “greed is rational and your lessers have to lose for you to win” programming, even at this late hour as the capitalists burn the very world under our feet… and your grandmother who needs a hip replacement or chemotherapy alive… for another nickel on their sociopath hoards.
Do we want a society… And all the benefits that being an actual society with a functioning social contract entails? Or do we want to continue to be a bunch of temporarily embarrassed millionaires pathetic mark suckers at each other’s throats tearing eachother down over scraps and false promises (hard work will be rewarded! Consumption will make you feel better! The odds are ever in your favor!) so we never look up at our owners?
social worship of unchecked avarice
I love this phrase. It covers a lot in so few words.
Unfortunate that it describes the actual world rather than some dystopian YA novel.
let them keep $20 and give each of them a set of literal, *cheap* bootstraps, and let them get a *real job.*
Lettem keep hundreds of millions and all the non-lizards amongst them shouldn’t have realistic reasons to complain, plus society still benefits most hugely and you can still win capitalism (so they can’t argue completely any “necessary incentive” argument).
A lot of readers here are unimaginably wealthy compared to destitute villagers around the world, but we still prefer to have some nice things and only donate of our wealth. I’m fine extending that philosophy to anyone.
(In Burundi, the average earner won’t make $1000 this year.)