Look again amigo, I am sad to say that a huge portion of those are dead links now which exist only in your memory. It’s like getting internet blueballs when you click on something you were once excited about and now it redirects to some shitty hosting service page or a 404 page with a cutsie image and caption. If you want to really keep something, you have to save the page itself or make a pdf of it.
You can still find a lot of now dead pages on archive.org or archive.is
My YouTube “watch later” list is about the same.
My watch later is so big; it breaks whenever I add a new video. I have to manually go into the playlist, change it from recently added to a different listing order, then back to recently added for it to show anything I’ve added since the last time I’ve done this.
I have so many tabs open on Firefox mobile that it stopped counting and now has an infinity symbol, I think it’s like 300 by now
however on desktop I have like 2 open. At most I’ll have like 20 of the same video game wiki but will close them whenever
Ah man—I loved Cracked 15 years ago.
Bookmarks are nice just for autocomplete
True, but there are plenty of sites I visit less frequently than I clear my history.