“Landlords deserve tons of money for no effort because they take on the risks of homeownership”
Landlords when that risk manifests:
Not that it stops this guy from being a pos idiot, but he did say “any amount”. Your critique would fit if he were complaining about local FD “not doing their job” or something.
The point of the post is that he claimed he doesn’t pay taxes for services that, if they were more robust, could have prevented this desperate, hilarious tweet.
We laugh, but his follow up will be “see! You all paid taxes and your houses still burned down! Proof that the socialist experiment failed!”
And my follow up will be: I could not care less about what this person thinks.
will pay any amount
No, he won’t. He will promise any amount and pay half of that to a lawyer to weasel out with some bullshit legalese.
Any amount, you say?
Even more than what it would cost in taxes?
Kinda ironic that the dude is called Wassermann which literally translates to waterman in german.