(Mods: that auto-suggested title is different from the one on on the page itself, but it’s honestly a better headline in terms of the article’s contents. Let me know if i need to change it.)
On Thursday, Rep. Andy Harris told Newsmax that money for wildfire aid isn’t a priority for Republicans because “we just put more money into FEMA before we left for the Christmas holidays,” and the Maryland Republican claimed that Los Angeles “mishandled the fire department so egregiously that they ought to bear some of the burden for that rebuilding.”
It’s a sad state of affairs that this kind of news is so unsurprising, but if Democrats said screw the people in Florida who got flattened by a hurricane it’d be the story of the month…
Wasn’t that the narrative being pushed after that bug hurricane this past fall? That FEMA wasn’t passing resources to right wing counties?
Edit: “Trump also claimed without providing evidence on his social media platform, Truth Social, that the federal government and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper were “going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas”” –Hurricane Helene Wikipedia Article
Persecution complex always at the ready. I did see one story where some segment of them had been told to avoid places with lots of Trump signs, but the reason was for the worker safety because of the hostility by the right wing. So basically in that case they created a self fulfilling prophecy.
but the reason was for the worker safety because of the hostility by the right wing.
Notably, local conservatives out firing guns at FEMA who showed up to try and save their lives.
If I’m helping save your life and you send a bullet whizzing past my head then yeah, I’m going to leave you where you are as well.
This, of course, was reported as “FEMA is refusing to help Republicans!” and not “Local Conservatives perform war crime, fire deadly weapons at humanitarian aid”
Not just that, but some representatives were pissed because the broader Republican party seemed to want to undermine recovery efforts to make it look worse for Biden… Then after the election asserting a bill was in the name of helping them while that bill still did nothing at all for those afflicted.
Used to be they didn’t want FEMAs help because FEMA was going to put everyone in camps and steal their houses. Now FEMA is purposely ignoring them?
WHICH IS IT??? I can’t get my conspiracy theories to agree.
California should just secede. I’m not joking, what’s the point of funneling money to other states that don’t care about human rights, don’t come to our aid when we need it, and happily siphon all our tax dollars but fight any reciprocation? California could absolutely succeed as a sovereign nation.
It would be nice, but unless California has a militia on the same level as the US military, it wouldn’t end well
While I agree it would go poorly, the way this would happen in theory is that the state would take their contributions to the federal military with them, and for California that would be a pretty sizeable chunk. So it’s not just local police and national guard.
This is very interesting. It’s my understanding that a lot of grunts in the military are big fans of Trump, so wouldn’t that throw a wrench in the gear? Even if that isn’t the case, the military falls under the executive branch, the president is their commander in chief. What does that mean when a state seceeds?
We shit on Texas everytime they talk about seceding. Don’t be as dumb as those people.
California has the fifth largest economy in the world, Texas has half the GDP of California and still manages to post a net loss.
There’s a reason we clown on Texas about it and that reason is because Texas quite literally cannot survive on its own but screeches constantly about threatening secession. California on the other hand would survive just fine without a single one of the entire rest of the States but they don’t constantly remind everyone of that fact.
Texas gets made fun of for it because the answer to “Well what would you do without Texas, huh???” is… I’d pay less taxes because Texas wouldn’t be sucking down a bunch of surplus anymore.
That’s generally because it’s ridiculous and often right in the heels of some big illustration of how Texas benefits from the other states.
If the federal government did withhold aid, then that would perhaps be part of a scenario where California is tossing money at a government that will not reciprocate.
Now it may be premature, as this might just be posturing and even if they made it rough, there is every reason to hope that in 2 years than shift . But if this was a real and durable situation, I could see it being their only path to get some more negotiating power.
Can’t they just not recognize the federal government? Should just make their own (maybe other states would participate as well). It wouldn’t be seceding, but they would de facto work as a separate political entity. That is unless they get raided of course.
We’re Republicans, we don’t help ppl!!
Republicans are me/I people and if it doesn’t happen to me, then I don’t care. Think of all GOP that vote down any disaster aide til it hits their constituents.
Another one version of this I hear is “I don’t need (ealcare/student loan forgiveness/ basic human decency) I alreadyhavr that. What do I get if I do that?”
A functioning society is not appealing to them at all. It’s a party of selfishness.
Hell, they were hiding from disaster aid calls in Florida while there’s a hurricane coming through just so they could try to stick it to Biden.
California should just withhold the money they pay the federal government to subsidize those lazy ass red southern states. Problem solved.
Democrats should have treated Republicans like a foreign power interested only in the destruction of the country.
Because that’s what they are