more adventures on rednote mostly because it’s entertaining how mad people get when i talk about it :3 /halfjoke
this was posted 12/31 btw so i don’t think “the mods haven’t gotten to it yet” is a real thing
#le is common in parallel to the anglosphere’s #wlw which i think is adorable
my number one qualm with little red book so far is there is no native translation like tiktok has. lots of google translate is necessary to get the social media to social :P
necessary disclaimer: fuck the CCP and all the real violence and repression they do. just want to give credit given where due, and so far here im just seeing a lot of assumptions with no evidence? so im gonna post what my experience is :) i welcome all to do the same
The level of shortsightedness in people is astounding to me again and again. History really seems to always repeat. When will people ever learn that there is no company in the world that is their friend.
“Oh, but it looks fine and i havent had any issue” says the little user that is currently feeding the networking effect of the next platform, that will inevitably fail in exactly the same way as every other for profit social media.
“Oh, but everyone is here and i dont wanna switch again” says the little user that now has the choice between losing all their feeds and follows or staying on a platform slowly being squeezed for money or political incentives.
When will people ever learn that there is no company in the world that is their friend.
In my experience people doing this transition are hyper aware and open about not trusting any company, TikTok, RedNote, or otherwise. So I think you are hitting the nail on the head, but coming at the thing from a different angle.
The issue is that lots of people joining, self aware or not, validates the platform in normie users eyes. I know this cant be solved on an individualist level, because humans are tribal creatures, but its still tough to watch every time it happens.
I frequently see post aroilund here asking “Is service X or website Y trustworthy?” and my thought is always “No, ofcourse not.” Anything thats not running on your computer is inherently untrusthworthy.
Yup. Wish there could be a migration to an actually decent open platform but we’re all hung up with underfunding and personal qualms getting in the way. “I won’t use PixelFed because it doesn’t have a dark mode” is a literal comment I have seen from a Lemmy user.
Ridiculous patterns of behavior on both sides 😭
Do we have a fed version of tik tok yet? We’ve got lemmy for Reddit, pixelfed for Instagram, mastodon for Facebook/Twitter, theoretically bluesky for Twitter (although not exactly federated but can be?)… what’s tik toks equivalent? is a project by pixelfed, i get downvoted whenever i bring it up tho lol
From what I’ve seen, a lot of queer people are afraid to be themselves there. Some may even experience backlash and threats of violence for being LGBTQIA. There’s a lot of hostility to us across that entire nation tbh.
On top of that, there is constant scrutiny with mass state surveillance. Queer and POC may be silenced or even face imprisonment for expressing themselves. And don’t forget that nation’s concentration camps, genocide, torture of political prisoners, and barring people who don’t toe the party line from residency and citizenship.
Oh wait, that isn’t Red Note. That’s the USA and my small town.
There’s no such thing as a benevolent state, to be honest. Nations and borders only divide and subject us. Every day, I feel more sure that we need to build communities in spite of states and to do what we can to disrupt and abolish them, so thank you for mentioning this glaring example.
However, I will say when we in the US point at China, we’ve got three fingers pointing back at us. Pretty hypocritical of us, and largely racist.
I meeaannn… of course the US has an imperial bone to pick with the other imperial nations. So the same attitude and conditioning to “other” the competing nations applies equally to Russia and china. So I think I have to disagree on your point that there is inherent racism in the china conditioning. Does racism get borne out of the antagonistic relationship? Of course. But everything said about china is said equally (at least in spirit) about Russia.
And you’re absolutely right, there is no benevolent state. A state’s first and only goal is to sustain itself and secondly to increase is standing. And I’m def with you that we need to not let borders come between the global working class.
My whole point is there is a tendency on the more communist-leaning left to reverse the conditioning by just swinging all the way to the other side. “The US is bad, china/Russia is better.” They’re both equally imperialist, they’re both equally exploitative, and they’re both equally heinous. It’s absolutely a mistake “western” leftists make to embrace the other superpowers in an attempt to denigrate their own. It’s necessary to remove that lens when we discuss these kinds of issues to see the entire picture, because swinging to the other superpower nations and embracing them as better is such a limiting (and incorrect) way to think about it. It’s a simplified first step in realizing your home nation is wrong. Going against them for being wrong should not mean embracing their equally wrong counterparts.
You might appreciate this.
This guy asked people on Red Note if it’s ok to be gay, and I laughed at the response:
Now ask if you can be in a gay marriage in China (nope).
Ask if it is completely legalto be fired just because you are gay (yup).
China isn’t good on LGBTQ+ rights
Cringe app
cringe post
cringe everything
Yes I am being payed by the CCP to promote lesbianism
(sarcasm. the CCP is hatefully repressive to queer identities.)
Suggesting that the CCP is open to letting lesbians live their life seems pretty surreal after what happened to Naomi Wu. It’s shocking how quickly the dust settled on that.
Though to anyone trying to encourage discontent to westerners with socially liberal beliefs, it’s a pretty helpful narrative to push.
yes. the CCP is homophobic to a repressive and violent degree. i would never suggest otherwise. and you are lying about me to say i am.
this post is about an app i am seeing queer people hang out on without much apparent censorship. you are having trouble exercising your listening skills.
(sarcasm. the CCP is hatefully repressive to queer identities.)
And yet, here you are, making this post.
Would you be making a post giving trump props if an occasion happened where he was the broken clock that happened to be right that one time? No? Then what are you doing here? (I don’t need you response, this is something you should be asking yourself)
You’re getting my response anyway, ready?
Would you be making a post giving trump props…?
Does Trump own TikTok? Instagram? No. So I would not give Trump props when TikTok or Instagram exhibit good behaviors.
- I am giving props to RedNote for the space it is allowing for queer voices.
- Fuck Trump.
- Fuck the CCP.
That’s it. You gotta engage your active listening skills more brother. ❤️
I’ve been getting some major astroturfing vibes around here lately.
sinophobia so real that people going to see whats going on and reporting back looks like astroturfing to you
careful homie, i understand your mindset but it can lead dangerous places
As someone who speaks the language (poorly) and has been several times and has family in China, I can concur this post feels a bit cringe.
China is not a champion of LGBT rights. It’s tolerated in the cities, but if that’s the thing you care about most then the west in quite a bit farther ahead on the issue in general.
I agree but you should not equivocate “cringe” with “astroturfing.” Astroturfing is a real and malicious thing. I’m just posting stuff I have seen people be adamant cannot possibly exist.
I would never say the CCP is a champion of LGBT rights as I have repeated throughout this post but that message clearly didn’t make it all the way up everyone’s high horses.
China is not a champion of LGBT rights. It’s tolerated in the cities,
You can literally say that about America right now as they’re rolling back our rights as we speak.