He was on that Blitz Rationing.
Like Turkish Delight is fine, but it isn’t “get your siblings murdered by a witch” good. But I suppose if you’ve been cut off from your home country’s empire’s only source of flavor for a year and a half, your judgement may be clouded a bit.
turk here, baklava has to have the right amount of syrup. too much and it’s a disgusting sweet mess, just right and it’s a delightful flaky , pistachio topped treat
✋ - Getting your siblings killed for Turkish Delight.
👉 - Getting your siblings killed for baklava.
Okay. Lemmy told me that Turkish delight was gross, so I got curious and brought some. And it was awesome.
It’s good, it’s just not 80% sugar American candy. I really do think the hyper processed food takes away the joy of having something more complex tasting from people.
(Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely sweet.)
Real Turkish Delight or the chocolate covered bar thing?
Both are good imo, but very different.
I’ve had store bought Turkish Delight.
It was awful.
Same for the stuff in those gift basket dried fruit arrangements. Horrible. Even chocolate assortment boxes might have some. Just as horrible. Always left uneaten if you figure out which one it was.
I took it upon myself to make some at home, rose flavor. No nuts or anything, just the candy part.
It was lovely. Light flowery rose smell, sweet, soft chew, with a confectioner’s sugar coating. Awesome with a good black tea. Do recommend 100%. If that is what Edmund had I’d understand.
I have no idea why the store-bought stuff is vile.
Edit: what if the premise is that most everyone finds consumer grade Turkish Delight awful, yet Edmund doesn’t, so that just makes him even more dislikable because of his awful candy preference?
Turkish delights, as I know them, are basically little sugar bombs, so they shouldn’t need any other preservatives to have a very long shelf life.
I’ve never had any awful tasting ones, so I can only guess how they might be screwed up. My guess would be that some overly greedy multinational(s) is (are) using corn syrup instead of sucrose.
Which, amusingly, is why Turkish Delight sucks when it’s americanized into being Oops! All Sugar :)
My partner has the same story about being horrified at and disappointed in Edmund, but I just don’t understand - Turkish Delight is such a treat.
It’s soft and yielding with a delightful sweet rose flavor and the powdered sugar melts into syrup in your mouth. How do people not like it?
So you dislike the thing that I like. Well, well. Guess what? I absolutely despise the things that you like. And the things you love? I abhor them. You must be a brute, a philistine, a barbarian, not only to have such an uneducated palate, but to have the foolishness to admit it. Ha ha, truly! This person has different tastes! Very bizarre but also absolutely wrong.
could be a cilantro tastes like soap or a broccoli tastes like sewage kind of thing.
the cilantro one is genetic supposedly, the broccoli is that one guy on lemmy and I still want to know if its also genetic or any other reason but there probably aren’t enough people with the correct skill set that care enough to figure it out.
I also don’t like rose in food but its mainly because someone I always hated as a kid, and still don’t want to be anywhere near, smelled like rose
Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead drolex! HAAAAAARRRRK! Hark! Triton! Hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til’ ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin’ tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye - a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of drolex, even any scantling of your soul is drolex no more, but is now itself the sea!
To quote Guy Fierri regarding roses in food: “It tastes the way old furniture smells.”
Fuck me I had the same thought once as Guy Fieri. I guess I’m in flavortown.
Everyone seeing this meme and talking about Turkish delight and not talking about how they seem to think the plot of Les Mis is Jean Valjean stole a load of bread because omg, bread is so good.
Combine that with being hungry enough to steal and I’m sure that bread was orgasmic.