is it well known and do people talk about it … like in the mainstream media ?
[solved] in the media :
( thanks to irelephant )
What To Know
The movement has a website at and is active on Instagram, Reddit, Bluesky, Discord and Signal.
(see comment below by )
for folks who don’t know, I was a part of a small organizing team that led to a mass mobilization in 813 cities worldwide in 2019.I am not talking out of my ass.
You should be VERY VERY VERY careful in this environment about sharing flyers for events that identify NO organizer
See also :
proposed by :
[solved] by :
- interface to reddit community:
- spreadsheet with info on this and other protests:
Click to show start times
Start times:
Start Times By State (current as of 1/31/2025):
Alabama: No information
Alaska: 12:00 noon
Arizona: 12:00 noon
Arkansas: 12:00 noon
California: 12:00 noon
Colorado: 12:00 noon
Connecticut: 12:00 noon
Delaware: 12:00 noon
Florida: 12:00 noon
Georgia: 11:00 AM
Hawaii: 12:00 noon
Idaho: 12:00 noon
Illinois: 12:00 noon
Indiana: 12:00 noon
Iowa: 12:00 noon
Kansas: 12:00 noon
Kentucky: 12:00 noon
Louisiana: 12:00 noon
Maine: 12:00 noon
Maryland: 12:00 noon
Massachusetts: 12:00 noon
Michigan: 12:00 noon
Minnesota: 12:00 noon
Mississippi: 12:00 noon
Missouri: 12:00 noon
Montana: 12:00 noon
Nebraska: 12:00 noon
Nevada: 12:00 noon
New Hampshire: 12:00 noon
New Jersey: 12:00 noon
New Mexico: 12:00 noon
New York: 12:00 noon
North Carolina: 1:00 PM
North Dakota: 12:00 noon
Ohio: 12:00 noon
Oklahoma: 12:00 noon - 4:00 PM
Oregon: 12:00 noon
Pennsylvania: 12:00 noon
Rhode Island: 12:00 noon
South Carolina: 12:00 noon
South Dakota: 12:00 noon
Tennessee: 1:30
Texas: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Utah: 12:00 noon
Vermont: 12:00 noon
Virginia: 11:30 AM
Washington: 12:00 noon - 2PM
Washington DC: 12:00 noon
West Viriginia: 12:00 noon
Wisconsin: 12:00 noon
Wyoming: 12:00 noon
They left out writing the number of your attorney or the ACLU on yourself in sharpie, so you’ll have it if you need it.
Don’t start protesting on a week day. Protest on the weekend to get a show of force. If demands are not met, follow it up with a general strike for your next protest.
People will be more willing to join in strike action if they know they are not alone.
The instant anything is posted on here it’s already been scraped. Know this. Act accordingly.
Just saying, this seems really sketchy folks.
Some tips to help you out
- don’t take your phones to the protest
- if you take a burner, don’t take it home. buy it, and trash it at the protest.
- don’t take anything that could identify you as you
- superglue and baking soda on your fingerprints. don’t go crazy, just enough to make printing you impossible/difficult
- write any important phone numbers on your arm or ankle in permanent marker if you can’t remember them
- stuff a couple hundred dollars for bail in your shoe
- don’t give ANYONE your real name. don’t care how hot they are or how impassioned they are, just fucking don’t
- designate one trusted individual to come get you from jail. they are not to bring their phone, they should park at least 1/4 mile away and walk to get you(long enough to realize you’re being tailed by police).
Pay attention to your surroundings, specifically the movement of officers/agents. if they’re running you should be too. if there’s a large group marching or a wall marching, leave immediately and regroup.
ICE will be there. they will be picking people up. many of them not illegal. if you’re not white, wear makeup if you can get away with it. paint your face with state colors if need be. not a mask, so it shouldn’t be covered by “no-mask” states.
Know your rights. Bring the proof of your rights. Force them to acknowledge your rights.
Stream everything.
If you are picked up you will;
- go on a list
- be unlawfully monitored
- become a link in a larger web to ensnare organizers
You will now go dark for at least a month. No social media posts about the protests, no discussions about the protests, nothing. After that, it should be difficult to pair your online activity with your real world activities.
If you can’t make it to the protests, record the streams, share them online, pressure the public to demand answers for the crimes committed by the officers/agents.
One last thing.
There will undoubtedly be people there to provoke the protests. do not let them. once one incident of violence is determined all bets off and the police will become physically involved.
Trust no one, question everything, power to the people. 🫵
This message from a colleague will live here until the death of Lemmy
For further research here’s a great video on mutual aid.
The NSA scoops everything, this is known. Deleting it in 24h won’t change anything, the data is already collected.
One thing I’d recommend that I’m unsure how to easily obtain, is getting the phone number of a civil rights lawyer ready. It does kind of contradict the point about not bringing phones, I suppose. At the very least, if one is available in the vicinity after attempted arrests it can be useful.
I also feel somewhat guilty, as I will be attending in a very blue state that’s unlikely to have so much resistance, so I may skirt some of those rules myself.
I’d say that violent incursion into blue states with the help of federal forces and local brownshirt provocateurs is almost a goal of Project 2025 and MAGA more broadly so I wouldn’t count on it not happening wherever you are. We’ve seen plenty of that kind of thing on the West Coast particularly. Local police unfortunately have a large membership overlap with said brownshirts.
And based on the deal Trump is doing with Bukele, there’s a chance you could end up getting thrown into an El Salvadorian prison and locked up with MS-13 gangbangers.
I only just learned about it today, myself. I work that day, but I might be able to shift things around.
I really wish that these protests were more widely shared in advance. I want to be involved, but only getting a couple of days advance warning makes it really hard. I know that sometimes you have to act fast, but if you want your movement to succeed then you’ve got to try to consider the real lives of all of the people who want to help, but are also really limited in their time. Plan protests on weekends, and if you’ve got to protest on a weekday, then plan it way ahead of time and give everyone a chance to plan to be there. I’m sure it looks better to have one big protest with 10X people there than ten protests with 1X people attending.
i don’t know who organized this and just made this post to have some answers. Thankfully, some users are coming up with answers … so i have updated the header of this post.
Pretty sure it was just a grassroots online thing, without any real leaders. Which, don’t get me wrong that has its own benefits. But understanding that origin also helps explain why it’s a little unorganized
Love a protest in the middle of the workday, should be easy for most people to attend, no?
You realise that anytime is the middle of the work day.
Not everyone is working 9-5. People work shifts, nights, and weekends.
You realize that there are differences in the populations working at different times, right? Or are you just happy to be seen being outraged?
Sure I realise that, but I was more pointing out that whatever time a protest is there will be people like you unhappy with it.
I don’t know what gave you the impression I want to be seen outraged and I do hope you’re not making judgments about me over a single comment as that wouldn’t be very good.
It would be like me labelling you for the two comments I’ve seen you post. Positive intent my friend.
I’ve already seen someone on Lemmy say that they should feed their kids out of dumpsters if they lose their job that they rely on to live paycheck-to-paycheck (like almost half of Americans) and then their home because they can’t pay rent.
And if they lose their kids to CPS because they were made homeless and their parents were arrested during a general strike protest? Hey, they were clearly just MAGA bootlickers anyway.
Do explain how me talking about the fact that people (like you) have no compassion or understanding for others when it comes to this event is not on-topic enough for you.
I understand that you think that people should sacrifice their jobs and their homes and their kids so that they can protest on a specific day, but I’m guessing that’s not going to get them to do it. Nor is being rude about it.
I’m dubious of the reality of said comment, or the support it got in upvotes.
Most of us understand that protesting carries risks, and encourage others to risk what they feel okay with.
If people aren’t willing to give up 1 hour of their corporate slavery to stop facism, then we are already doomed.
Yea, I’m looking at this but thinking “that’s not happening lol” with my state. I’m in AZ and anyone outside Phoenix is probably driving at least 2 hours just to get there.
For me: 6 hours in a car with 5000ft (1500m) drop/climb just for a protest that’s vaguely “against Project 2025”. I could never justify it.
I think people in positions of privilege can recognize their status, and, in my opinion, have a duty to do more (whether it’s donate to orgs fighting this, or donate time if able to be more flexible with their time and work commitments, etc. ).
There will be people who will be able to take greater risk because they are privileged. There are less financially secure individuals who won’t be able to take as much risk. That’s OK! We don’t need to turn this into a dick waving contest of “who is doing more”
What we don’t need is this bickering amongst ourselves. We’re all proletariat. Some proletariat will have more privilege. And getting the less privileged working class to attack the slightly more privileged/wealthy wage slav- I mean “workers”- is EXACTLY what they want!
DO NOT give the bourgeoisie what they want, c’mon now.
Honestly? No. This isn’t something that you go “if it’s convenient”, the entire concept of freedom is at stake here. I’m biased as a woman of color in a non traditional marriage, but this is absolutely mandatory. I will lose a day’s wages, and it may impact my ability to pay my bills. But are you not seeing the future of this administration if people stand by and accept it?