Finding a farm close where you want is made unnecessarily difficult by the site’s interface. The grouping of states in regions is a hindrance and once you get to your state, the farms can’t be sorted other than by their name, so you have to look through every single one of them to find the farms close to you.
Great idea, terrible execution.
Who are you providing it to? Because I don’t think FlyingSquid made this website.
I don’t see a contact part on the website, but they do have Facebook, instagram and Twitter (X), those would probably be the best places to provide the feedback. And maybe you can add a message when donating?
As a software developer making enterprise software, that simply isn’t true.
I have been responsible for making some pretty poor design choices and UX flows. I was never resistant to change and more just needed someone to say hey bro that’s dumb, I don’t why don’t we do it like this.
Now I know how to do X and won’t make the same mistakes again.
Cmd-F or Ctrl-F to search for cities. It’s imperfect, but I found seven hits for my city instantly. I could search neighboring cities and towns the same way.
To add to this comment, it’s not hard to find any of this information. “States grouped into areas” scroll to find your state, or again ctrl+f. “Hard to find cities” thankfully living in my area and being somewhat familiar with said area I can scroll down the list and find farmers in my general area. Short of putting in my address and searching for ‘closest to’ which I hate anyway, this isn’t as bad an interface as op suggests.
I’m still going to say it’s just not great design; it presents you a large map that is not interactable in any way, then below that are bits of that map again with ordinary hyperlinks below for each state and/or region. Just let people click on the first map, or just ditch it entirely.
Once you’ve clicked on a state, you get a list of paragraph format entries sorted in the most useless way: alphabetically by business name.
Who is this website for?
at least you have something my state doesn’t even have anything lmao, it goes to a boilerplate page that gives little info
This is great. Is there something similar for finding local farms regardless of race?
You could try researching CSAs in your area. There are a few near me that sell farm shares with weekly pickup of seasonal veggies during harvest season. I’m in northern California, and our rate is under $20 per week after we split it with another couple. We usually receive more veggies than we would buy during a weekly grocery store trip, plus our farm let’s everyone pick fresh bouquets each pickup as a nice bonus.
Why do they have to be black? America is bizarrely obsessed with race, I’ve never seen anything like it both in person and on the internet.
Sure, it can seem on the surface like wanting to support people of a particular race is in itself a kind of racism, or at least a situation that emphasizes unfair distinctions.
Unfortunately, race does still matter in America, even if we personally disagree with it or want to ignore it. The health and economic research data make it very clear that people of color in America, especially black people, experience harder lives in almost every category. This is due to both recurring experiences of present-day prejudice and discrimination, as well the inter-generational impacts of wealth inequality and psychological trauma.
You might already know about this, but redlining is one example of the way that patterns of discrimination can creates a systemic effect, which, in turn, can impact the physical and financial effects on a family across time. These kinds of systemic effects can then make it harder for current generations of these families to recover and live safe lives today though, we personally might celebrate that the policy doesn’t exist anymore, and even though we personally might say that we don’t support people acting like that anymore.
No one really has to do anything, but some people might choose to support groups of people or organizations who they think might have experienced similar kinds of hardships in their families, and might be glad to have a way to try to do something different with their money than give it to another multinational corporation every time.
Yeah I’ve heard these arguments. I still hold my opinion. America needs to move away from the race obsession.
Completely fair - do you have a counterargument? I’d be interested in hearing the other side.
I still love how everyone acts like America is the only racist country on the planet.
TIL posting/having conversations about a characteristic of one country implies that you believe that no other countries have that same characteristic.
While I’m sure the fact that the dominance of US news and culture on the internet is probably really frustrating for non-Americans, it’s pretty natural for Americans (or anyone, really) to talk about our own country and experiences… especially while having to grapple with how things have been escalating here. You’re certainly free to share your own experiences.
Or ask a European about their feelings on gypsies and watch them pull out some of the darkest shit you’ve ever heard.
I would prefer knowing my money is going to people who have been systematically disadvantaged for this nation’s entire history.
I suppose your post could imply other minorities could be included but the way I read your comment gives off big WLM energy.
Edit: spelling
Yeah and I understand your thought process. However the entire point is to skip large corporations and buy food from local farmers. Again, why do they have to be black? Coming from a country not obsessed with race, the very mention of race prior to a product or service, seems strange and segregating in itself.
Race should just be taken out of it, support your farmers. That is my point.
And fuck off with the white lives matter shit. I would say the same shit to white farmers, Latino farmers etc. Race+service = bizarre.
NorthEast Florida has:
Because they were kept poor, imprisoned, and abused until at least 1965. So the kids born in the 1950’s had the first real chance to go to college. In reality though red lining continued right up into the 1980’s, making sure black people couldn’t get access to services and jobs because they were physically out of reach from the housing areas they had been pushed into decades prior. And job hiring racism still occurs to this day. It was in the 2010’s they did a study with applications that differed only by having an “ethnic” name or a “white” name.
So until black people can access the same opportunities as white people there needs to be support. Everyone wants to assume this shit ended in 1865 or 1965 but not only did it not, it’s still going on.
Guy said he wanted to help people so have been and still are supposed and you took that as discrimination? I guess if we don’t help everyone all at once we shouldn’t help anyone?
Because they still get shut out of opportunities based solely on their skin color, names, and application photos. So they work together to create their own opportunities and are rightfully proud of that. America can stop worrying about race when we finally end racism.
Alright let’s break this down Barney style. You have group A and group B. Group A decides to pelt Group B with oranges every time they leave their house. So Group B moves in together and buys communal umbrellas to live as unmolested as possible. And you think that is perpetuating Group A’s conduct.
Do you have a recent example of someone who was denied an opportunity, that is afforded to everyone, based solely on their race?
2024 hiring link, PDF Warning, EDU domain
The studies go on and on. The sheet brigade may not march in your town anymore but they’re still in positions of power pushing down on minorities.
Do you ever stop to consider that it may be exactly because of your obsession with the skin tone of people, that you have so much racism?
Try imagining being just as obsessed about eye colors. It seems ridiculous right?
It does seem ridiculous to me but I’m not racist and we tried that. In the 1980’s and 1990’s they made talking about race a social taboo. You just didn’t talk about it. The only effect was to freeze racism in place while white people congratulated themselves on solving it because they didn’t hear about it anymore.
So it turns out that in order to fight racism you have to talk about it and give financial support to the class that’s been oppressed.
It’s because America is obsessed with race, and has systematically attempted to demolish black economic power from the foundation of the society, that people may choose to shop this way.
Yeah sure, but you’re just perpetuating. It should just be ‘buy from local American farmers’, race shouldn’t be a thing.
Intentionally buying from black owned businesses does not perpetuate a racist white man that is in a position of power that allows him to deny black people economic power.
This is why im gonna teach my future kids to bully white kids like I was, they need to understand /s I got them sent to juvie that was good enough for me lol, fight racism with the law, give them a criminal record and get them thrown out of school, way more satisfying
the democrats have built their entire brand around performative racial justice where everything they do is designed to appeal to different groups. Its super toxic and while I am vehemently anti-racist this tokenization of policy is counter productive and the reason why a lot of people reject the democrats as “racist”
Bro, the US wins world champions in racism. There are ethno-nationalists in India that think Americans take it too far.
It’s also important to note that POC, black people or melenated people (take your pick - i.e Pakistani and some Indians are PoC) are not exempt from being racist.
In fact, if you suffer racism there’s a chance you’ll then turn racist, because it triggers pack instinct, paranoia, group think - etc. Humans gonna hume. “You’re claiming reverse racism” - bitch, did I stutter? Racism is racism is racism is racism.
That being said, zoning laws are still CRT based and some neighbourhoods in the US only get the most basic super markets - if even that.
“All I see is church, church, liquor store” - Black Milk.
If black people need access to raw produce in areas they can’t get access to it, then I think it’s completely acceptable. Sad, but acceptable.
I could also see a bunch of Karens buying out the stock so that they can brag that they eat “black produce”, effective depriving black children of proper produce.
To err is human, and also be awful is human, and also racism… is human, and also (say it with me now):
Humana gonna hume. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think this is downvoted because people don’t realize the face of modern racism.
Americans always think they have the market cornered on everything. As if slavery and racism didn’t exist until the 18th century.
“Can” cost less is doing a lot of work there. I would guess it would mildly annoy people in power, but TBH this isn’t a way to save money. If it really was, it would be common practice already.
There are lots of people who frequent local / smaller farms for things like access to organic foods / rarer crops / community support, but I’ve never known it to be cheaper than the industrial produce one can get at your nearest supermarket. Supermarkets clobbered local guys for a reason and pricing was a huge part of that.
I would guess it would mildly annoy people in power, but TBH this isn’t a way to save money. If it really was, it would be common practice already.
Bidets are a cheaper, well known, better way to clean your asshole after taking a shit, yet the common practice of Americans is still to choose to smear their own shit around their asshole with dry disposable paper cloths.
The flaw in your argument is that you think people, Americans at that, wouldn’t ignorantly continue to pay more for the convenience of not having to think where to buy their produce, because they can get it from the local Walmart 15 minutes away, instead of saving $20+ and driving 2 more minutes.
Americans are notoriously lazy and stupid, as evidenced this past November.
Holy shit…your thoughts on bidets are spot on…I just got one and hate not having it all the time due to travel.
-am American but want nothing to do with this hateful bullshit going on currently
I got one cause of how my friend put it to me when she told me to get one. She asked me “if you get shit on your hand, are you just gonna wipe it off with a paper towel and go about your day, or are you gonna wash your hands? Now when you take a crap, why are you just smearing it around instead of washing it?” And it stuck with me and I’ve bought bidets from then on out. A 12 pack of TP lasts me a year, and I only use it to dry my ass. It’s the best thing in the world.
I laughed at friends and family during covid, cause I had a nice clean ass, and everyone else was fighting for toilet paper.
Can’t speak to the cost, just found my local place and their FB link is offline.
a way to save money. If it really was, it would be common practice already.
I cannot overstate how dumb Americans are about shopping. The local Publix (expensive) just put the Winn Dixie (medium prices) out of business, because the Publix is newer and prettier.
Meanwhile, there are 8 other groceries that are cheaper than either. Even the Aldi isn’t busy.
Been in a few big box stores lately, prices stunned me. “People pay for this shit?!” Dude on here posted his fish tank purchase. Spent loads buying: little rocks, sticks, big rocks. I just decorated a terrarium for nearly free.
I buy almost nothing new, hell, I find a lot of my stuff. We had to get a new washer and fridge last year, paid $400 for both off FB Marketplace, nicest I’ve ever had in life, minimum $2,200 at the hardware store. Not going to listen to Americans whine about high prices when they’re complicit.
Apologies, you triggered my Rant Card.
My guess is it costs a lot more to ship small parcels of food rather than to transport food in bulk to one big store where everyone shops for it.
It’s cool, but buying produce from your neighbors is also cool. Strong communities thrive together
It’s cool, but buying produce from your neighbors is also cool.
Um… My neighbors are black you fucking prick.