I figured out how to get my food with NO delivery fee: I get off my fat ass and get it myself. Novel approach, I know.
And sometimes you’re too tired for that or want something you can’t reasonably make at home. There’s nothing wrong with ordering food.
Nothing wrong with it rarely or if you’re disabled, but paying $30 for McDonald’s or whatever on a regular basis is insane
So I don’t really understand why you are paying so much for food? Looking at the local delivery app, I just now chose a “big Mac mcmenue” containing a big Mac, fries and a 0.5l drink. This would cost me 10,89€, let’s say 13€ with a very generous tip.
At this moment it seems 13€ are worth $13,48. What are you ordering that costs more than double of that?
There’s zero indication that OP is ordering delivery often, so I’m not sure why you have jumped to that conclusion?
Besides, whether or not ordering delivery often depends on what you’re ordering and on your disposable income. McDonald’s is far from the only option, plenty of real restaurants offer delivery too these days. If you can afford it, you can probably eat a fairly healthy diet even if you never cook. Not for me, in no small part because I usually enjoy cooking, but I’m not gonna judge people who don’t. Doesn’t affect me, I’m not gonna go out of my way to be annoyed.
“Nothing wrong with ordering food” - correct
But there is something wrong with paying double to have it delivered - it’s called wasting money. Do y’all have a lot of money to waste?
I actually order way too much, but it costs like 2 euros to get it delivered with a 5€/month subscription. My time is worth roughly an euro per minute. Anything farther than a 5 minute walk is a net loss to pick up on foot. There’s nothing closer than a 30 minute walk there and back. Car also takes fuel to get started
If delivery starts costing me 10 or 20 euros, I’ll start walking or driving to pick up my food.
Normal people have a stocked fridge and are not constantly drunk.
If being drunk seriously affects your shopping schedule, you have an alcohol problem.
Alcohol isn’t the only thing you can get a DUI for…there are lots of things that it covers from prescription medication to weed. Anything that negatively impacts your driving ability can potentially lead to a DUI.
Shopping schedule? Bro life is hard and busy, plenty of people are struggling with all kinds of issues that they can’t easily schedule around and depression is it’s own beast.
Look, I don’t order food because of the price and because I don’t want to support that fucked up business model(also because I live in a walkable city) but, and I mean this in the most “I hope you take this as an opportunity to reflect” kinda way, go fuck off with that shit.
I’m happy that you are physically able, that you have places within walking distance to pick the food up from, or if not that you own a vehicle and are not vision impaired or afflicted with some other ailment that would make driving impossible. I hope you reflect on how fortunate you are.
I do, all the time.
My point was that most people are able to procure their own food without paying exorbitant fees for it; in their case, I consider it lazy and wasteful. That’s also my opinion, and people are free to apply their own judgement.
It was a completely reasonable take and everyone understood what you meant.
Only on lemmy would someone try to paint an exploitative middleman like UberEats as a noble service for those unable to journey to the store.
There are actually services that do that and they don’t charge a 30% markup. That actually seems even more exploitative and you’d think the other commenter would be enraged at Uber.
It is not that easy for everyone. I for example can’t afford a car. And restaurants aren’t exactly around the corner. So if i want to get food like that, i have to have it delivered.
5 euros is cheaper for delivery than 15 for a train ticket. Its not that big of a deal honestly. I don’t know the pricing in america but its not to bad where i live. The food itself is becoming way to expensive though.
I only order food a few times a year so its no problem.
If I’m bothering to go out anyway I’ll just get ingredients from the store and do it myself.
USPS should not focus on profitability and fuck Uber and the gig economy.
yes! it is a SERVICE Americans already pay for in taxes, the need to make a profit on it makes no sense.
No we don’t. The USPS is not tax funded, it is self funded by shipping costs and stamp sales.
I’d be very fine with it being tax funded instead of being funded by stamps and parcel metering. We might have much less shit mail as a result. It was an actual part of this government, not a corporation like now, before 1970, when the Reorg Act went into effect. Look before 1970 then USPS workers were not allowed to collectively bargain but that still could have been achieved with the a different outcome in 1970.
I would be very fine with tax funding because as a service the work they do facilitates other sectors’ viabilities. There might also be more accountability to help the workers.
This is a perfect illustration of why we should not privatize essential services.
We probably shouldn’t, but this is a terrible example why.
“Essential” is your criteria? To be clear, you’re saying that anything that’s an actual human need, should be state run?
Economies of scale and different expectations of timely delivery… Both of those prices are much more than I deal with here in the NL though
Yes. Everyone in the US tells me that people get so much more money there than here in Germany because of the taxes and everything. And then you have to pay $30 for a simple food delivery?
It’s part of the propaganda. Richest country in the world, they say, but you pay a lot more for basically everything because there’s few government regulations keeping prices in check, and a number of things that are done by the government in other countries are run by for profit corporations here (healthcare).
Although, $10.50 for the mail is pretty pricey. That’s no letter that they’re sending. I run an Etsy shop and frequently send stuff in padded envelopes through the post office, and those cost me like $4 to send across the country.
And somehow USPS can still pay their couriers more.