This is what happens when we let conservatives have any sort of power in society
any sort of power, they have it ALL now, because not enough Democrats figured it was important enough to simply cast a vote in Novembers election. more arab and latino americans voted for donald trump than have ever voted for any republican candidate before in american history. leftists told anyone that would listen they weren’t going to vote for “genocide joe” while marching on every major american city chanting “from the river to the sea”, while flooding social media with anti israel and anti democratic party messaging, the result of which was democratic youth vote was the lowest it’s ever been in american history, while republican youth vote was the highest it’s ever been. with everything on the line democratic youth couldn’t find it within themselves to defend the republic, by doing the lowest effort simplest action by casting a ballot in a safe, free, and fair election. donald trump won his second term as president by ~2.3% of the vote.
I just want to clarify that Arab and Latino Americans voting for Trump is marginal and would be insignificant if white voters weren’t in the bag for fascism already.
White women are the only marginalized group that fuck with Republicans in numbers.
I voted for Harris in nov. But you are blaming the people with the least amount of power.
Democrats could have… you know… appealed to their voters instead of fund and arm a genocide, fund the police more than has ever been done, and ran on racist border fascism. They didn’t appeal to their voters and their voters didn’t show. Harris, Biden and all the people advising them should be the ones we direct our anger at not the voters who didn’t vote for something they weren’t inspired by.
Yeah agreed on all of that and yet the vote was still the easiest fucking choice of our lifetimes
Fuck the genocide. We have a real crisis at home now because people put another country ahead of ours.
Blaming the voters is most of the reason you’re in the position you’re in, you do understand that, right?
Why blame politicians running bad campaigns when you can blame the voters for not being invested in a bad campaign?
It’s also an easy/lazy excuse to absolve themselves from responsibility.
Like, OK, if voting is the only mechanism, did you spend time on the phones or on the streets convincing people how to vote? Or talking to representatives about policy? Somehow I doubt it.
It’s interesting that I see this kind of sentiment, shifting the blame onto everyone who’s anti-genocide, mostly from people who were also repeatedly defending if not downplaying Israel’s genocide. I wonder how your removed comments in the modlogs look.
There were many issues with how the Democratic Party ran their campaign.
Democrats’ Working-Class Failures, Analysis Finds, Are ‘Why Trump Beat Harris’
2024 Post-Election Report: A retrospective and longitudinal data analysis on why Trump beat Harris
The slogan From the River to the Sea is about Palestinian liberation that started in the 60s by the PLO for a democratic secular state, not Genocide. The Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad in 1966 maybe, but he’s not Palestinian. While there’s been 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated, on top of Netanyahu explicitly stating “between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.”
The real time shift from “we don’t need you to win against Trump!” to “please God vote for Harris!” to “Why didn’t you vote for the candidate who forgot your kind is being murdered?” from liberals is maddening.
Gaslighting is rampant with both sports teams.
mostly from people downplaying genocide
Dunno who you’re talking about in specific but I have seen literally zero of this. Almost all of the major sources of “just fucking vote against Trump or Gaza will be far worse off” were from people who were also against the genocide. That’s kind of the entire fucking point.
Seeing people dismiss it the way you did just screams “I refuse to admit I was wrong so I’ll just try to blame the people telling me that exactly what is currently happening, would happen”
Interestingly the gEnOcIdE posts are way fewer nowadays.
Don’t get me wrong, I think bibi is a war criminal, but there were absolutely very very few debates or discussions, almost only astroturfing hatespeek IMO, basically shut up or you are a “genocider”, which doesn’t advance anything sane, again IMO.
Yes, because you were all voting for politicians who were complicit in that genocide. Then the election happened, and the quasi-ceasefire (really, relocation of hostilities to the West Bank, until they almost inevitably resume in Gaza again) happened. And you’re all still clinging to the “it was a spoiler designed to cost Dems the election” and yet you’re still completely failing to ask the absolutely fundamental question of why the Democrat politicians would rather give up an election than give up being complicit in genocide.
The sheer fact that you write “genocide” in the “I’m an idiot” up-and-down caps, by the way. It meets the legal definition of genocide. It means the intent of laws authored against genocide. It meets the structural characteristics of past genocides. You have to be a truly sick person to trivialize it like that. It’s really striking how much trivializing the genocide like that goes hand-in-hand with blaming its critics for the Democrat’s loss - it’s always the same people doing both. Are we not living in the same planet, where genocide is literally the worst crime imaginable, besides causing the extinction of the entire human race or all life of Earth? Does a politician’s complicity in genocide not completely discredit everything they say or do as a facade to gain power and wealth? Does it not reveal an absolute deception that’s fundamental to our entire social system? Be honest, have you even thought about those questions?
You guys really want to shift the agenda to something else, but I’m going to describe this exactly as it is. This system is fucked and completely captive, Ds and Rs both. Whoever you think is to blame - at the end of the day, it’s not even relevant, because we need complete systemic change. The fact that both parties were near-unanimously complicit in a genocide and the genocidal incitement mythology around it should have been an absolute clarion call to the public for absolute rejection of the people in power. But instead you’re all still dicking around playing partisan politics, downplaying that genocide, and trying to relocate the blame for the crumbling society to the general public. The problem here is that we live in a deeply fascist, totalitarian system, at the heart of a global military empire. The mass murder our politicians - across the aisle - commit abroad is a reflection of the inherent immorality and exploitation inherent in this system. Now they’ve put the “bad cops” back in power after the “good cops” absolutely threw the election, and guess what, it’s the “we’re tightening our belts, abolishing a bunch of civil rights, and making this even more of a police state” routine again. Not just confined to the last…two weeks under Trump’s rule, but oh-so-coincidentally, the same totalitarian police state shit that was already completely rearing its head under George W. Bush and Obama. There was not some sudden shift to fascism in the last two weeks. We’ve been under it. They’ve been hammering it in bit by bit our entire lives. This is an objective truth - between the NSA mass surveillance, the PATRIOT Act, FISA surveillance, CIA black sites, targeted assassinations of U.S. citizens, everything. None of this is new. So revise your explanation of this society, because it’s not correct.
Try knowing just a small fucking fraction of a topic before you have opinions on things.
That said, Republican collusion with people like Bibi to extend conflict as a weapon against Democratic presidents is an old play for them.
It’s funny because this is just as bad if it’s trolling or not, it’s so immensely bad either way. It’s mentally an edgy 12-year-old either way, so you succeeded in nothing other than showing everyone what a childish and pathetic dirtbag you are no matter if troll or not.
And that makes it so funny, you basically go out into a crowd and put a sign up saying “hey, I’m a miserable bag of meat that is mentally a child and so starved of attention because of how shitty I am that I post really pathetic comments online”.
Gonna get downvoted, but conservative ideals should be present to some minor extent to balance things out. I don’t mean modern conservatives or Republicans, but the concept of fiscal conservatism (e.g. preventing waste in the military). I’m not talking about the fIsCaL cOnSeRvAtIsM that current Republicans preach either, like hollowing out social programs to give tax cuts to their buddies. So yeah that’s of course not what we have now, but there should be a healthy balance for that kind of thing.
The problem is that what you describe is not conservatism, it’s just basic competence in governance. It’s an impressive achievement of the radical right that they have managed to get people to conflate the two.
Sure that’s fair. Whatever you want to label it, there needs to be some kind of balances against full progressivism so it doesn’t go extremely far to the left. I say this as a pretty far left progressive in most things, but have some minor conservative ideals (such as individuals wanting to support themselves without relying on outside sources). Again, I’m well aware that’s not modern Conservatism in the US these days.
The people who say this tend to forget that if you only take the “good things” from conservatism it ceases to be conservatism. The conservative ideology is garbage and only leads countries to a sort of destructive cannabalism.
Basically what I mean is the mindset of doing everything possible in your power to be self-sufficient. I think I’ve gone so far off the left side I’ve horseshoed around. Everyone should be striving to be as self-sufficient as possible and not need to rely on external forces. I’m far from it, but I’m trying, at least given the past few years (and especially this month) I’m preparing for bad situations.
You won’t get downvoted. Ideally you’d have both parties suck it up and work together and combine ideologies. But… well you know… Babies
Ideally you wouldn’t have two parties, but have an odd number of parties to figure it out. So three at minimum
Nah, I’m not talking about the actual current Republican party nowadays. They need to die out and form a new party that’s actually conservative. It’s the most corrupt swamp straight outta Uzbekistan or Russia at this point. The things they’re doing now, no Democrats should compromise on ever.
Nervous laughing … as the police keep pounding at my door
Yeah, it’s going to be hilarious to be fighting in WWIII while everyone tries to convince themselves that it isn’t WWIII
Hopefully it’s just Civil War II and not WWIII. The rest of the world doesn’t deserve to be dragged into our shit.
Even if it was just contained to US soil we’d still call WWIII like we do with the World Series.
Whether it’s because of us or fascism is just trending globally, the rest of the world is already thoroughly dragged into our shit. We’re not the only ones having this fight, we’re just the most-visible and possibly farthest-along outside of Russia, Turkmenistan, North Korea, etc.
“How many genders have you had to drink today, sir?”
This is a joke right,? right?