

56 posts • 62 comments
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Det här togs upp i feddit.dk för ett tag sedan och jag står fortfarande på sidan att det är viktigt att upplysa koranbränningen och dess reaktioner eftersom syftet är precis att uppmärksamma en farlig utveckling där det finns en växande folkgrupp som kan tvinga bort vissa synpunkter med våld. Det är den våldsamma reaktionen som inte ska tillåtas i ett civiliserat samhälle. Att någon bränner en bok kan vara kränkade, smaklös m.m. men personen ska inte hamna i livsfara för det. Det spelar ingen roll hur kränkt folkgruppen är.

@Fox Att kristna ska åstadkomma ett våldsamt upplopp vid en bibelbränning är också rent påhitt. Svenskar i allmänhet är inte religiösa och inte våldsamma. Om man antar att svenskar identifierar sig med sitt land i stället för religion skulle det inte heller leda till ett påskupplopp 2022 hade du stått i mitten av Stureplan och bränt en svensk flagga.


Ideally, this bot won’t need to exist in the future. But right now, a lot of the inertia with the migration comes from “the content that interests me is only on Reddit and I don’t have time to manage two social media accounts, so I’d rather stay on Reddit and join the Fediverse once the content that interests me is here”. It’s unrealistic to expect a lot of users to jump to the Fediverse for a purely moral reason, as if their practical concerns don’t matter.


Sweddit i spillror.

Fr.o.m. idag 1:a juli så är försök till och förberedelse för innehav av narkotika kriminaliserat i Sverige

Detta innefattar bl.a. eventuellt innehav av zip-påsar, grinders, bongar och annan kringutrustning samt krypterade chattapppar och kryptovaluta (en källa: SVT). Det är numera även olagligt att försöka anskaffa narkotika, t.ex. genom att lägga en beställning på internet.


Explained in the post. A very common complaint I see in the migration discussions is “my hobby’s community isn’t on the Fediverse/doesn’t have an active community like Reddit so I still have to visit Reddit”. Unless they intend to participate in that Reddit community (which most users don’t), they can bring their community’s knowledge here instead of giving Reddit more traffic.


Nej, det är troligen en underdel av Skärpta straff för brott i kriminella nätverk men “av någon anledning” satte Sweddit sin fokus på just det här.


I still have my Alien Blue installation after all these years and it’s working for me too, probably because the number of users left is so low that it can operate under the new API limits. Unfortunately, Reddit could easily kill off Alien Blue by revoking its API key.


What “ages ago”?! It was purchased in 2014 and shut down in 2015!

Oh wait, that was 8 to 9 years ago.


This “anyone is free to join any instance, you can just avoid what you don’t like” kind of thinking is perfectly reasonable in theory, but I think what OP wants to know is if this also holds up in practice. You could “defederate” Google and Microsoft by blocking emails from Gmail and Outlook addresses, but the reality is that the majority of people you will need to contact use those addresses. In most cases, your school/workplace will even make you use them for your organizational email. Yes, it is possible to avoid these companies and choose alternatives, but you’ll be isolating yourself from the majority of the network.

The question is not if it will be possible to use the future corporate-owned Fediverse without Meta (of course it will), but if it will be feasible for the majority of users.


Archiving publicly available content is not illegal, otherwise sites like archive.org would have been taken down ages ago.

Users are where the content is, and most people don’t have the energy to support a growing website that lacks content when another website that is full of content exists. Reddit’s advantage was that people only needed one account on one website to see content related to diverse interests. Mirroring Reddit content (while being transparent about the fact that the content is mirrored) can help the Threadiverse gain this advantage and make it easier to retain users who will eventually contribute to the Threadiverse.

(In Reddit’s early days, it was full of Digg crossposts too.)

The purpose of the bot is to make Reddit’s content accessible without being forced to use a corporate platform. The value Reddit has, in my opinion, is the wealth of knowledge that is stored there. The content is often stale, but most of us have experienced finding a solution to a problem from a years-old Reddit thread. If you used Reddit for social interactions, this bot is not the solution for you.

Is the body of the post not appearing on certain apps or something? There is a summary that explains the bot’s purpose in the post body.


You can spin up a regular instance, check “Close signups” and uncheck “Enable federation” in your admin settings, which will make your instance a private forum that is accessible from the internet.
