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This project has a lot of red flags for long-term sustainability. It needs to be forked and maintained by someone who cares about open-source and decentralization, not being a Discord competitor.

  • The developers have no plans for financing the platform. In the FAQs, they claim that they managed to raise $2000 in donations, and that covers the costs for now, so they’ll think about financing “later”.
  • For whatever reason, they chose to develop not just the messaging client but the messaging protocol, voice, file and media servers. That creates a lot of work for the small team to maintain.
  • They don’t want to implement federation, partially because they would have to rewrite their entire backend, but also because…
  • They want to force people to use the revolt.chat instance. While Revolt can be self-hosted, the documentation actively discourages this and tries to obfuscate the self-hosting process as much as possible.
  • The open-source code is also several versions behind revolt.chat so that revolt.chat can keep an advantage over self-hosted instances.
  • The developers are university students who have never developed software professionally or managed a social media platform before.
  • Combine all of this with the lack of financing plans and you will have a service that is bound to implode or become enshittified when the operating costs and platform administration become too taxing.

Revolt is a very impressive full-stack project for the developers’ experience level, but it’s not a good FLOSS Discord alternative.

On another note, why are there so many children in the article’s comment section? Is that really the quality of the average Revolt user?


I used to be interested in Tumblr joining the Fediverse, as someone who strongly prefers Tumblr’s long-form microblogging to Twitter’s format. Unfortunately, Tumblr has shown itself to be just like any money-hungry corporation at a smaller scale.

Tumblr is trying to push Tiktok-style short video Tumblr Live, which is filled with trackers, and they have plans to change their UX to be more like Twitter because Twitter is more profitable. Tumblr has the advantage of having a very low percentage of technical users, who accept these changes and don’t find workarounds because they don’t know what’s going on.

With the direction Tumblr is going in, I’d defederate it if it ever starts federating. I want a Fediverse software that mirrors Tumblr’s long-form microblogging, not Tumblr itself and definitely not its horrible community.


This “anyone is free to join any instance, you can just avoid what you don’t like” kind of thinking is perfectly reasonable in theory, but I think what OP wants to know is if this also holds up in practice. You could “defederate” Google and Microsoft by blocking emails from Gmail and Outlook addresses, but the reality is that the majority of people you will need to contact use those addresses. In most cases, your school/workplace will even make you use them for your organizational email. Yes, it is possible to avoid these companies and choose alternatives, but you’ll be isolating yourself from the majority of the network.

The question is not if it will be possible to use the future corporate-owned Fediverse without Meta (of course it will), but if it will be feasible for the majority of users.


What “ages ago”?! It was purchased in 2014 and shut down in 2015!

Oh wait, that was 8 to 9 years ago.


What are the odds that the random website it gave me was my physics study guide in high school? The Hyperphysics website


I still have my Alien Blue installation after all these years and it’s working for me too, probably because the number of users left is so low that it can operate under the new API limits. Unfortunately, Reddit could easily kill off Alien Blue by revoking its API key.


Explained in the post. A very common complaint I see in the migration discussions is “my hobby’s community isn’t on the Fediverse/doesn’t have an active community like Reddit so I still have to visit Reddit”. Unless they intend to participate in that Reddit community (which most users don’t), they can bring their community’s knowledge here instead of giving Reddit more traffic.


Är personligen för defederering, både av decentraliseringsskäl och faktumet att Instagram-användare är internettets bottenskrap. Mastodon-användare kan kommentera på Lemmy-trådar och jag vill inte utsätta mig för Instagram-nivåer av diskussion och debatt här. Sedan finns det också det här stycket i Threads användaravtal som indikerar att data från federerade instanser ska samlas in av Meta.

"Information From Third Party Services and Users: We collect information about the Third Party Services and Third Party Users who interact with Threads. If you interact with Threads through a Third Party Service (such as by following Threads users, interacting with Threads content, or by allowing Threads users to follow you or interact with your content), we collect information about your third-party account and profile (such as your username, profile picture, IP address, and the name of the Third Party Service on which you are registered), your content (such as when you allow Threads users to follow, like, reshare, or have mentions in your posts), and your interactions (such as when you follow, like, reshare, or have mentions in Threads posts).

We use the information we collect for Threads for the purposes described in the Meta Privacy Policy, including to provide, personalize, and improve Threads and other Meta Products (including seamless personalization of your experience across Threads and Instagram), to provide measurement, analytics and other business services (including ads), to promote safety, integrity and security, to communicate with you, and to research and innovate for social good."



Sextio procent har köpt sig en bostadsrätt eller ett enfamiljshus och ungefär trettio procent har lyckats komma över en hyresbostad med förmånlig reglerad hyra.

Men ungefär tio procent står utanför detta. Och det är de som lider mest, menar Jörnmark.

– Det är de unga som försöker komma in på bostadsmarknaden och som saknar en ”mammapappa-bank” och inte hunnit stå i bostadskö tillräckligt länge.

Jag känner mig sedd ❤

Ja, de har ju inte [utvecklat social housing] under alla dessa decennier … å andra sidan har alla stora reformer inom bostadspolitiken kommit i kristider, under 1960-talet och 1990-talet. Och nu befinner vi oss i en krisliknande situation igen, så kanske det finns en möjlighet till reformer. Reformer som gör situationen bättre och inte sämre, säger Jörnmark.

Det finns inget incitament för privata firmor att bygga billiga bostäder, hur ska det reformeras? Och social housing… jag tror att i dagsläget vill ingen satsa på social housing när sannolikheten är så stor att dessa områden blir utsatta.


They had a good idea for monetization which was allowing users to buy advertising space for their own posts. The more you paid, the more users would see your post. Tumblr’s own community ruined this by sending harassing comments and messages to the posts that were advertised with this feature.

Tumblr’s biggest roadblock to monetization isn’t their site structure or ideas, it’s their community.
