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Angel [any]
395 posts • 1.1K comments

I’m neither Angel nor a demon spawn

Though some will call me God

Gravity is just a law I’ve wrought

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Supporting animal exploitation is fundamentally wrong, even if you do it under certain “humane conditions.” Welfarism is irrelevant to veganism, and I’m not trying to entertain the harmful notion that exploiting animals in a way that’s “better than factory farming” justifies it.

Animals are individuals with their own interests, and they do not consent to being commodities, slaves, and resources for human beings. Every single culture in history has been carnistic, and carnism is inherently wrong. Trying to damage control this with comparative ethics about how some Indigenous practices involve exploiting animals more humanely completely misunderstands the vegan cause. Veganism is not necessarily about the environment either, so certain forms of animal exploitation being less damaging for the environment does not necessarily make them more ethical either.

Also, either you know nothing about veganism or you’re disingenuously bringing up the no-brainer fact that “just having a vegan diet doesn’t address the bigger picture of more total animal liberation” as a concern trolling tactic that you hope stating will somehow makes individuals being carnists more acceptable.

No shit. Veganism is not presented as the endgoal. To compare it to another justice issue like racism, simply refraining from supporting animal exploitation in your day-to-day life isn’t tantamount to doing a grand revolutionary act that tears down all white supremacist power structures. It’s the equivalent of simply abstaining from saying slurs.

You shouldn’t have treaded at all. If you’re going to say stuff that is undeniably not “100% pro-vegan,” you either do not know what veganism is about or you’re doing that as a form of “no offense but” kind of communication in hoping that it’ll make what you’re saying less at odds with this community.

Sorry, but not sorry, I’m not accepting your very misinformed attempts at trying to justify carnism here.

This watch may benefit you.


She admitted to being a college student and that her parents pay for all of her expenses to go to school. The fact that she is a cracKKKer LARPing as a leftist and pretending to oppose oppression is the cherry on top. Very much ironic for her to literally misgender me just to try to paint me as some kind of privileged identity relative to her. It shows how out-of-touch whites and cissies can be with what trans people of color typically endure.


Anti-bourgeois classism, noice


Down with David Draiman’s Zionism 😞✊️

5 points


You’re challenging Jaden Smith a lot with this one!


Every man I’ve seen call feminism a “man-hating movement” always ends up being one of the most vile, objectifying, discriminatory, and, well, hateable pieces of shit imaginable. If they think feminism is “man-hating,” then perhaps instead of complaining about “misandry,” they should be less hateable.

The sheer number of men who seemingly lack the baseline of just the mere ability to view women as people is disgusting. “Misandry” is a response to this disgusting behavior, obviously.

Sometimes, you do get TERFs and shitstain feminists who don’t understand theory and will be bioessentialist as a way to turn “man-hating” into transphobia, but these people misunderstand the dialectic just as much as people who complain about misandry do.

Patriarchy is the problem in all cases, essentialism is a tool of its abuses, and trying to use essentialism as a counter to it, like TERFs do, is just adding fuel to the fire, as the problem is rooted in the system and not essentialism.

It reminds me of how I cringe when I see POC promote racial essentialism as a way to assert that white people are inherently inferior. As much as I love complaining about cracKKKers systemically, using essentialism to fight the power structures that use essentialism to oppress in the first place will only generate more oppression.

Essentialism delenda est!


In that sense, a workable idea is just to change the angles that the three communities are getting at.

For instance, c/womenby could be the feminist community, c/menby could be the “deconstructing masculinity from a male leftist perspective” community, and a hypothetical c/enby could just be… enby.

Grouping in non-binary people with a binary gender has always been a huge red flag to me. When people say things like “women and non-binary people,” it tells me to run and never interact with that person again. Though Hexbear might be better at handling that issue and not defaulting to the absurdly toxic “women-lite” shit, like I said, my skepticism doesn’t stop when I’m on HB.

However, it is a fair point that a neutral enby community might not attract many users. I gotta remember that most people are more “normal” than I am. A community I could find enjoyable may not appeal to most of Hexbear, like if we were to make a community specifically for djentposting lmao

It’d be just me and, I reckon.


Personally speaking, to give my own insight into another subject that others have discussed in this thread, I am all for a neutral (meaning neither specifically masculine nor feminine-aligned) non-binary space.

Seeing cisheteronormativity and binarism rife on every corner of the internet is deeply exhausting and honestly makes me feel like I’m “broken” for existing in a way that is far beyond any of it.

Not all trans people are non-binary either, so I can’t say that I’m 100% confident that enbyphobia/transmedicalism would never “leak,” even if just a little bit, into this community.

Truthfully, as inclusive as Hexbear can seem, I don’t give any unambiguous trust to anyone who is cis, hetero, white, or neurotypical. The fact that this thread needed to be made in the first place can show you why.

“Leftists” will go mask off and spew hatred towards someone like me when it no longer benefits them to pretend that they’re not hateful bigots.


I’ll ask Bofa what they think about this comment. They’re at Sawcon for the weekend, though, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to reach them.
