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Hi! I’m Aranjedeath and I deploy FileMaker Servers by day and help out around the edges of Open Source by night. I like biking, beaches, the color orange, and all kinds of delicious food. I also find everybody’s software bugs, usually with enough information to provide a good bug report.

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CSUMB GS Alum. Bricoleur. Internaut. Datalove. Int’l Development. OOO. FOSS. IT. Resilience. Governance. Decolonize our Object Oriented Futures


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@pizzaiolo Even with the extreme subsidies given to nuclear, it still doesn’t make money. Insurance payout cap, govt responsibility for cleanup, the fact most of the tech was paid for by public money, massive state and federal subsidies for plant operation… it still can’t turn a profit. lmao. That’s the real reason PGE was going to shut down Diablo. It’s too expensive to operate, and it has unfunded maintenance liabilities that total near the original plant construction cost.
