You sound like someone I cant be with, because quiet people always makes me think that something is wrong with me, that they don’t want to be there, that they feel bad or that I am the only person they can’t talk to. And then I start to think I am responsible for their well being wich leads to talking, making suggestions to do something and so on.
The strange thing: if I would knew that the other person feels fine I would be totally okay with silence. Why not? If that is what you want, i am happy to give it to you and mind my own business. But my inner bully doesn’t allow me to think that anyone around me is fine if they don’t show active happiness. Social anxiety is an asshole.
Kaufen kann ich das auch, aber ob ich das brauche steht ja auf einem anderen Blatt. Es gibt diverse Seiten im Netz die sagen das man das nicht braucht. Hier zB:
In Nahverkehrszügen (SPNV) dürfen Fahrräder (auch e-Bikes, Pedelecs, Tandems, Liegeräder oder Dreiräder) in den gekennzeichneten Fahrradabstellbereichen (z. B. Mehrzweckabteile) mitgenommen werden, sofern Platz vorhanden ist.
Aber ich kapier nicht ob das offiziell ist oder nicht.
I asked myself the same question and went with the ps5 version because i have a 4k monitor and my PC isn’t beefy enough to power that thing. I played almost 100 hours with all my friends being on PC and had zero issues. I played all previous versions on PC and I don’t want to go back to keyboard and mouse. Only reason for me to go with the of version would be the steam deck.