
BigBoyKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]

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I’m pro-Biden now, we have to keep him in, it’s too much fun


EyupLovely pinpoints an itch I’ve had the last week - Kamala is a speed run of Starmerism:

The Americans are speedrunning 2020-23 Starmerism with the coconut tree lady. Same smugness, same guilt tripping about the danger of the alternative, same certainty, same denialism of everything they did as a prosecutor, same height. They don’t know it, but they are doing it.


Keith has achieved the lowest voteshare of a single party majority government in UK history, with his voteshare gains over 2019 accounted for by Scotland where the SNP imploded after a scandal. Cannot overstate how fragile their massive majority is, and is simply a freak outcome of the FPTP system.


Someone on here mentioned the number, and I went to check as it seemed such a wild and disgusting fact.

In a grim piece of scorekeeping, Israel has stated that they have dropped over 6000 bombs on Gaza in 6 days, which means they are on track to exceed the number dropped on Afghanistan by the coalition in 2002. On an area smaller than Portland Oregon.


This paper was published in 2023, but is popping up on Twitter for me today - I hadn’t seen the evidence of a non-Chinese origin of the virus laid out so clearly before.

Genome analysis of Covid shows that the dominant strain of Covid that spread during the pandemic neither originated in China, or was the cause of the December 2019 epidemic in China (which was due to 2 other strains).

Based on the estimated tMRCA of the non-redundant global genomes, SARS-CoV-2 appears to have already been circulating globally for at least 10 months before its first discovery in Wuhan. Therefore, focusing only on the genomes in China would make it impossible to reveal the actual origin of the pandemic.

The tMRCAs of DL and DS were in September and October, respectively. Considering the ancient status of DS and DL compared with the status of GL, these results indicate that the three haplotypes were already separated before April 2019 and have evolved in parallel since then. In other words, GL that caused the global pandemic did not originate from the viral strains that caused the epidemic in China. The ancestor strains (DS0 and DL0) of DS and DL that gave birth to GL were already extinct before the outbreak of COVID-19; therefore, much more recent tMRCAs have been estimated by using only the current genome sequences.

In contrast to the time order in China, the tMRCA of GL was considerably earlier than that of the two older haplotypes in most regions of the world, including India, Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, the USA, and South America ( Fig. 4 ). The earliest tMRCA of GL was identified in India, which had a mean of May 9, 2019, followed by Africa, Europe, and the USA with tMRCAs in May to July, 2019, suggesting that GL had spread globally at least 6 months before its discovery.


Starmer has referenced a “changed Labour Party” 8 times in his victory speech so far. The man is utterly fucking haunted by Corbyn, he won a massive landslide but he’s still saying this shit

Edit: 11 times now


Sitting on the couch with my 3 year old leaning into me, watching Bluey
