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Black Xanthus
2 posts • 45 comments
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I would be very interested in the list of banned books, and how it would be curated.

For 64gb, you might have to extend the years to be: banned books ever, and then break down that list by reason. Just to fill space you’d end up including dubious books, and you’d need to be clear on where/who/why a book got banned.

A book being ‘banned’ from a pre-school for being ‘not age appropriate’ by some pointless helicopter parent wouldn’t count unless the book was actually age appropriate.

Then you would need a category of ‘banned by author banned’(or similar). Books that were considered age appropriate at the time, but now definitely aren’t. I’m thinking here of the recent removal/editing of Dr Seuss books to remove problematic racial stereotype. Not necessarily banned in their original form, perhaps, but still censored (perhaps, rightly so for the target age).

64GB is a lot of books. You would end up even including ‘The tale of (Darth) Pelagius’

(Pelagius was considered a heretic in the early years of the church, and his writings were banned)


I did not understand a word of it, but I appreciate the length of post, comrade lemming. One day I will understand quaternions - today is not that day. Gave me flash-backs to my Undergrad maths for software engineering. I didn’t understand it then, either.

That said, I should probably understand vectors first.

Your post needs more love by people who do get it.


It seems that this is the ‘find out’ part of 'F**CK around and find out for the GOP.

Not that they care of course, the poor are not people, and not GOP*

*Sarcasm, but also, GOP members tend to considers themselves ‘wealthy’, reality be dammed.


It seems like a form of age-play.

Age-play is a kink where an adult enjoys some of the pleasures of being child-like. This may or may not be sexual.

However, what she’s doing is involving you in her play without your consent. That’s a big no-no in most kink-like relationships.

My advice is that you both do some research on reputable kink-sites around the nature of kink in general, and then (and only then) explore and read about age-play. I say this because like most kinks there’s a lot of missinformation out there.

Once you’ve done both done some reading, it’s time to open up a proper dialogue around this issue. Part of that dialog will have to be how important this is to both/either of you.

You may be able to ‘scene’ together- that is, have a defined start/end time to this kind of play. It may well be that there are other ways that your partner can fulfill this need, and hopefully your research will have helped you put together some of these. Not everything needs to be fulfilled by the partner. Or, you may find that you have clashing red-lines. That is, it’s something you can’t do, but something she needs, and you can’t find your own compromises.

At that point, you may need a kink-friendly couples therapist. A good one will help you work out how to make this work for you, and ask the equality important questions about what you need.

Do you research well, but do point out that all kink must be confidential.


An incredibly well-written piece. Even if the subject matter and conclusion are chilling.


I don’t know if there is, but it feels like the email protocol problem.

Like, while the protocol sucks in many, many ways, it would take something revolutionary to replace it because it’s everywhere.

It’s been around so long that everything talks the protocol, the binaries that handle it are mature and stable.

Then you have to ask: what would you replace it with? It does the job it’s designed to do very well. There’s nothing the matter with the protocol, and it’s still fit-for-purpose.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t problems - spam, bad actors, and so on, but ultimately that’s not the fault of the protocol (though, maybe, for email, people have been arguing about protocol-level ways of dealing with spam for years).

I don’t have an answer, but I feel like there should be one, but I doubt the is.


However, unlike Reddit, there’s alternatives. You might not like the community on, but you might like the community on @anotherlemmythatmight.exist.

Because of the federated nature, communities will naturally fracture and focus. Here, a bad faith mod will just kill a community on instance a, and people will move to instance b.

We’ve already seen things happen like this under the banner of ‘free speech’, where people believe that free speech means free from consequences. If you think that, there are plenty of instances out there. isn’t one of them.

This means that you can find your favourite community in places with different server rules. Which means it will be the community - the people, the mods, the knowledge, that grows one, not just the fact the names taken.


You may want to look into Lutris. They’ve done a lot of work on bringing windows games to Linux, and basically do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

It will also link to your Steam, EA, Origen, Cog etc accounts and do the same for games there as well.


So, Game Pass would have to pay per installation huh?

Which is going to mean a lot fewer Unity-based games showing up, because no company is going to suddenly be okay with fees out of nowhere. Especially something that allows you, the user, by design to install something, try it, then delete it if you didn’t like it. Not only that, but gamepass is from pc and console. You find a game, love it, install it on console. Then discover you can mod it, so you install it on pc. Gamepass is now on the hook twice.

Yeah, unity did not think this through. Even if that is unity working as intended, that’s still a stupid policy. Either games will now have to be more expensive, just in case, or have install licences, requiring even more dial-home to monitor.

Add to that unity not saying whether or not it’s going to use dial-home as a counter, and that works for games written years ago. Indy developers are now going to have to think long and hard about advertising old games, or discounting them. I would imagine a few of them will be pulled from stores, just in case.

There’s a lot of lack of detail here: like, how do you as a developer know how many installs there are?

The free 200k limit, does that mean profit you made, or is that 200k sales? These two things are not the same.

Time to revisit Goddot.


The last time I saw this was on a slow-failing HDD.

Check a quick fsck might get you a few answers. You can find more info in the Linux manual. It could just be one or two bad blocks that you can recover and fix the problem (though, ofc, it’s time to backup your data).

The other, slightly unusual time I’ve seen it is with mixed RAM. 16gb made of 2x6g and then 2x4gb did some real odd things to the system. If it’s not the disk, and your box will boot with one stick of ram, try it to see if it fixes the issue. It could be that your RAM speeds are off (or your like me and just put two sticks you had lying around, and it basically worked until it didn’t).

An outlier, that I’ve not seen on modern machines is io/wait for a CD-ROM to spin up, even if your not accessing the CD-ROM. Normally caused by bad cabling. Based on the age of your machine, this is unlikely, but it might be worth unplugging devices to see if one is bad and not reporting properly.

This is, if course, assuming dmsg is empty

Final thought: see if your running SELinux. If you are, turn it off and try again. Those policies are complex, and something installed in a non-standard place could be causing SELinux to slow IO as it fills your logs with warnings.

Hope that helps,
