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So it can cause issues to some…why force it on 2 month olds?

Local hypersensitivity reactions happen with all vaccines. That’s why they tell you to stay in the pharmacy for 15 minutes after you get a shot. It has nothing to do with thimerosol. The reason you accept that is that we take immunological advice from immunologists, not from partisan nincompoops who read something that sounds bad on the internet and go, “SeE!? WhY mAkE ShOt? iT hUrT bAbY1!!”

I don’t get why you think this argues against me? I never said it caused autism, I don’t believe it does.

I’m reiterating why your “why not play it safe” shtick is a toxic mischaracterization and deflection that downplays the very real harm his JAQ conspiracy ideation has caused in the world. The answer to “why not play it safe?” is “you’re not playing it safe, your trolling and people are taking your megaphoned ignorance as gospel, often at the expense of their own children.”


Ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) and methylmercury (CH3Hg+) are not the same thing. The former is a preservative that’s rapidly metabolized, and the latter is a bio-accumulative environmental toxicant. Huge difference between ethyl and methyl groups. It’s the same reason that ethanol (C₂H₆O) will get you drunk but methanol (CH3OH) will make you go blind.

God I hate when internet laypeople try to act like they understand chemistry. Have you literally ever taken a chemistry class? If not, please start here, and in the meantime shut the hell up before you get someone killed.


It’s not a good or bad thing. It just is. The CDC reacted to a bunch of know-nothings who wanted something that sounded bad out of vaccines, so they took it out. Turns out it wasn’t dangerous at all and it was a bunch of wasted effort, and people still get to point back to it and say, “see!? it’s a GOOD thing!” The people questioning its toxicity were morons, and we kowtowed to a bunch of morons. Now people are saying we should put one of those morons in the White House. I’m arguing because you very clearly don’t understand that thimerosal/ethylmercury is not at all dangerous. It’s still in your flu vaccine.


You’re not making a great case to mandate over 30 vaccines for kids without proper testing.

ALL vaccines are properly tested. Stop implying they’re not.

Nobody is arguing that. But rigorous testing in line with most western nations, seems fair.

ALL vaccines are properly tested. Stop implying they’re not.

Yeah, I don’t like when the government forces every child to get a shot from a big pharma organization

And I don’t like when my toddler gets measles from your un-vaxxed kid before they’re old enough to be inoculated. Don’t want a government mandated vaccine? Then don’t interact with the general public. Problem solved.

that pays the FDA to get through the testing with shitty made up science.

Bullshit. Source your claims. I’d bet my life savings you couldn’t even read the findings of a Phase III clinical trial without relying on for support.

I think there should be rigorous testing, which there are good trials

There is and there are. Next.

but just to be more in line with most of western europe, as opposed to safeguarding big pharma companies.

Done. Next.


ALL vaccines are properly tested, thimerosal is not dangerous, and RFK Jr. is a nutcase who’s aided in the harming of children.

Stop trying to change the topic.


You just said the CDC doesn’t make policies based on actual science.

I quite literally did not. That’s your hyperpartisan lizard brain speaking.

ALL vaccines are properly tested, thimerosal is not dangerous, and RFK Jr. is a nutcase who’s aided in the harming of children.


i can tell you that NOBODY wants me involved in anything anymore. even my own social groups have taken to being like ‘we have too many white men, they are bad, we need to attract more people of color and women and trans people because they are special and good by default and white men are bad by default’. it’s infuriating and depressing that i’m basically told to f off when I want to contribute to my community.

I don’t doubt that you find the left’s current politic alienating in and of itself (lord knows it can be bewildering), but I have SERIOUS doubts that reality is anything like what you’re describing here. I’m a gun-toting, outdoor-type leftist whose predominantly queer/non-white friends (I live in a big city) always find me more of a novelty than a threat. They look at me like through the walls of a fishbowl, unable to understand a lot of what I believe but also appreciative that I’m an ally on core issues that matter to them. Not once has anyone ever looked at me or any of my other cis white male friends and told them to fuck off unless it’s someone coming in with a chip on their shoulder who feels like they need to prove something by being a confrontational asshole. I suggest you reflect less on what you feel like people believe about you when you’re not around and more on how they treat you when you are. They’re not nearly as threatened or upset by you as you think.

and that is just like… insta banned/hated if that ever comes up from my leftist people. who are typically upper middle class people pretending to be working-class for fun.

The way you phrase this tells me you’re gleaning many of your conclusions from online spaces, rather than face-to-face real life. That’s probably why you feel the way you do. I actually have serious doubts that you have any meaningful personal relationships with leftists who aren’t cartoons or provocateurs. Perhaps the way you’re received online has to do with the fact that your stories are so over-the-top and on-the-nose as to seem deliberately hyperbolic.


Not once has anyone ever looked at me or any of my other cis white male friends and told them to fuck off unless it’s someone coming in with a chip on their shoulder who feels like they need to prove something by being a confrontational asshole.

nah i’m just an asshole … one thing i cam sure of is that whatever views i have tend to piss everyone off, left, right, or center.

Sounds like I was right all along.


How do these quotes prove u/ is a bad actor?

I didn’t say they do. My charge was that either he was lying, or he’s an asshole. He proved the latter.

I reviewed his comment history, just another clown with opinions like the rest here…



Protip: If you ever find yourself on the side of book banning, you’re on the wrong side.
