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Israel has been treating hundreds of not thousands of Palestinians who cannot receive proper treatment in Gaza for years. It’s nothing new.

It has done the same in Lebanon in the past.

It’s not a demonic state. It’s just currently ruled by a bunch of right winged religious idiots and fanatics

Edit: this has been going on for years, nothing to do with the past month


Thanks! That’s one serious checklist :-)

The case I made might be a lost cause - it’s got very little space for dampening the sound with foam, but enough to become an echo chamber. I’ll see what I can do, but not optimistic.

I will keep this in mind for my next design though.

Thanks again!


It’s really cool, with plenty of colourful stuff, but if you ask about ergonomic they point you to an Alice style board…

https://geekboards.de Prenzlauer Allee 45A, 10405, Berlin Germany

Do you live in Germany? Would you recommend sourcing laser cutting services here?


Because of the material, affixing might create the problem, or at least make it worse. I think affixing the plate with rubber layer might be the solution, but never tried that.


I’m OK with that definition too. Definitely not better than a fascist, arguably worse.


Doesn’t the xiao build only have 11 io? How did you manage?


This particular government is the worst we’ve ever had. It was chosen by Netanyahu, who, you might be surprised, isn’t at all a fascist, barely right winged. He is an opportunist. He took control of a mid to right winged party, one that made peace with Egypt. He realised his only way to gain votes (and later to get out of prison) was to outdo the right winged parties and ‘steal’ their voters. This made him good friends with the ultra orthodox and extreme right wingers. His party has become him, anyone still in his own party are idiots and imbeciles, none of who can operate a gevernment. Netanyahu is the scum of the earth, he has a government made of the worst our country has to offer. He is changing the laws and the governing system to get out of jail and become another Erdoğan/ bolsonaro /Putin, and just stay in power forever, stealing money from everyone as he has been doing for decades.

And idealist right winger would at least have a plan other than to save his own career and money while destroying the country and its institutions.


I am sad to say this (enrichment of the leaders on the Palestinians account) was true even before hamas.

Suah Arafat (Yassir Arafats wife, he was head of PLO) is a very prosperous woman. It took a couple of days between Arafats death and the announcement, because she had to have all his money transferred to her name. He didn’t personally earn anything in that scale.

Regarding elections - hamas used to literally run over fatah (its opposition) demonstrations with pickup trucks


Ignoring so many details, such as what side caused camp David talks not to work? What side refused at least two offers to get practically all they asked for.

When was the west bank so overpopulates with Israeli settlements? (only in recent years when Israelis giving up on any potential partner on the paelstinian side started voting more right wing until we got a series of terrible governments in which everyone tried to out-right the other to enlarge their base of voters)

It mentions but ignores Gaza isn’t occupied. And if this is what happens when Israel unilaterally leaves territory for Palestinians, who on earth would dream of ever leaving the west bank??? Have you seen the Israeli map? Giving up the west bank (which I’m in favour of) without piece would be suicide - Israel is tiny with or without it, there is no strategic way of defending israel from attacks from the west bank - it’s geographic centre.

Palestinians are victims of their leaders who decided to enrich themselves instead of fixing Gaza and to put the huge sums of cash sent from Europe and some Arab countries into weapons instead of creating a livable state. People have been refugees for three generations there. Where else in the world is there a second generation refugee?? Who chose to keep them this way? Israel? Who hasn’t been there since 2007?

Blaming every single problem in Gaza on Israel is idiotic and will keep this situation static forever.

The west bank is a much more complicated problem, made worse because of the many Israeli settlements that were added in recent years, and maybe made impossible due to the October 7 attacks from Gaza. There is no sane Israeli prime minister or government, be it right or ultra left wing, that would dream of pulling back and giving autonomy to an extreme jihadist movement like hamas. They just proved they are as good as isis, but somehow get support from leftist organisations all over the world.
