Weren’t they spamming it just months ago about a certain place in eastern Europe?
What are the chances we see this guy run his country into the ground. Like that libertarian town in New Hampshire that got overrun with bears but on a national scale? This sounds like a nightmare to live through for any Argentine comrades.
Pack it up , they’re onto us!
So this is why I can’t go to the hospital after a concussion without getting a horrific bill.
Here’s the one I have: the shining path discredited the idea of a revolutionary socialist movement in a society that desperately needs one. The thing about the shining path manifesto is it reads like a parody of what a Imperialist shill thinks communism is. And after Gonzalo was out of the picture the movement declined repidly(Don’t get me wrong, Fujimori and his ilk are among the worst murderous neoliberal sellout ghouls imaginable.) Revolutionary movements should be last because they are supported by the masses not because their cult leader was captured. A good example of a revolutionary movement gone correctly for example os Bolivia right next door and MAS. When Evo got taken out of the picture by the coup the movement survived because it was built among the masses and they were able to struggle against the neoliberal regime and win their freedom.
I’d recommend BadEmpenada’s video on the shining path for more details he goes into far more detail than I can here.