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Yeah she has an appointment with a non religious help group soon, AA would just make it worse for her I know. The thing is when she’s sober she really DOES want to get help. And then she gets cravings and she caves and it’s always just one but then just one turns into two turns into 6 turns into 12…She hates herself the next morning and it’s real regret. She wants help, and she knows she needs it, but she’s just struggling with actually going through with cutting everything out


Yeah agree entirely. And we’ll pay it for as the years go on. I really don’t understand how investing in the future of our country is somehow a partisanship issue. I guess republicans just love inflicting misery more than their so called “patriotism”.


Tutorials are designed for the dumbest person out there who has zero idea what they’re doing. So in this case someone who has never driven a car or played a racing game before. If a tutorial told you “this works like the last game, do the same” it’s obviously bad design. Yeah that’s a super small subset of the people playing the game but it’s better to overexplain than underexplain. But in this case yeah they should 100% just have a separate tutorial mode section for people who need it, having that REQUIRED in a racing game is ridiculous. I haven’t played racing games in years but last I remember that’s what used to be the norm.


Don’t imagine they knew who it was before paying for it, seeing as the only way to see who it was is to pay for it first. To be fair I’d be surprised and uncomfortable if I knew my kid had a teacher who they could find videos of her spread eagle naked whenever they wanted. If the sexes were reversed and it was a male porn star who was teaching children there would be a national uproar. I don’t have anything against sex work but some jobs just don’t really mesh together too well, this is one such situation. The obvious solution is just to pay our fucking teachers more so they don’t have to get second jobs to live but people would rather just yell at her like she’s doing this for shits and giggles because that’s easier than addressing the root problem.


This is a non autistic neurotypical thing to do too. If you get someone who is bitching at you saying an occasional 5 second aside showing that you relate to what they’re saying, they’re just an asshole, and they’re in the wrong.

I mean if you’re doing every other sentence, then yeah, that’s a bit much. But now and then is expected and someone who wants a half hour of center stage quiet from the audience should find a stage and a brick wall


I thought you were talking about mobile games or something locked behind a paywall before I read further and realized you’re mad that multi-player is “locked” behind someone completing a tutorial. I haven’t played either of the two games you mentioned by name but I would imagine that they are complicated/unique enough where a tutorial is warranted. It’s kind of annoying if you just want to hop in and go, sure, but if “most of the fucking game” content consists of the beginning tutorial then you bought the wrong game to begin with.


Also if you haven’t heard the medical term for this yet, it’s called dermatillomania, if it helps you to put a name to it.


Not an alcoholic but

I like the taste of alcohol

I drink at home to relax, bars suck, and I don’t want to get shitfaced anyway

Weed makes me paranoid and useless apart from going comatose and staring at the ceiling for 4 hours

It’s easy to acquire, relatively cheap, and makes you forget about all the other bad shit that might be going on in your life

Stop trying to enjoy Bud or Coors and go for local craft stuff


I feel for what you went through but trying to equate having a need for a secret bank account hidden from your spouse to an uncle stealing funds from a minor is ingenious at best and absolutely laughable at best. There is obviously a difference between the two and if you don’t realize that, I assume you must be a little too young to even weigh in. If you feel that unless you have a secret stash of cash you’re in physical danger from your spouse then DO NOT MARRY THAT PERSON. it’s not that complicated. Marriage isn’t a joke or something to lightly go into. It’s like saying “I don’t trust you enough to not cheat on me so I’m going to keep a side man/woman on the side just in case. What? You don’t like that?? That is a chillingly selfish betrayal of trust how dare you!” Just don’t get married and merge accounts until you trust the person it’s not that complicated, if you don’t trust them enough for that, don’t get married, simple as.


I know a fair few Republicans have also said they wanted this. So I fully expect them to oppose this on the basis of “if a dem proposed it, it must be SATANISM”.
