

2 posts • 23 comments
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When the only thing that continues to work on you ad-filled web site is the captcha, I’m not interested in supporting your journalism any more.

Protip: You can crash self-driving cars by purposefully misclicking during Captcha checks when they ask you to identify what is a bicycle, a car, a pedestrian, etc. Keep misclicking, your are poisoning the AI with each misclick. Just stay safe on the sidewalk.



I swear that the last time I’ve ever shouted at a machine was when I was installing the latest release of Windows Server and I was unable to find the most basics elements on their graphic interface. It’s like I was a baby in a toypark. And they have the guts to call it a server. I’ve seen enough dark patterns in their install steps to make any sane person go mad. Windows is leaking bad faith though all his interface. You know what I want to do and you purposefully stop me from doing it. You are not an ally and not even a tool.

I tried Macosx years ago too, but from now on I will only use any reasonable brand of linux.


I read strange stuff about beehaw, the admin going primadonna or somethin’…


All this fragmentation will reduce the adoption for sure. No one wants to write to a sub filled with 5 people while another is filled with 5k people. We should adopt one new fresh instance and make it our main, and point people coming from reddit to this new instance.


And because they’re federated, lemmygrad users can comment on anything on lemmy.ml, so that’s where you will see viewpoints come in that you may not agree with in news/politics/economics related threads.

Oh boy, I didn’t think about that. I never thought that lemmy.ml would federate with a cesspool like grad. So yeah, this explains that. That’s why I’m seeing so many shills.

We have enough numbers to build a “de facto” second main instance which would be completely split from grad, should we focus on one instance? What if we tried to start an instance from scratch?


Seriously, I’m not from the USA and I’m not supposed to know the names of American senators, MP’s, governors or lawyers, or of who shot who, or who had a panic attack in an airplane, or why people are shouting at each others at a mcdonalds drive-in. Does any american ex-redditor know the name of a single european politician besides Merkel?

The news cycle proposed by reddit is filled with american politics ad nauseam and by ragebait. The european subs of reddit are filled with russian shills. When you add up all of this there is no point into opening reddit for the news.


So far? Lemmy is filled with Russian shills. I hope we outnumber them soon.

Joining communities is very counter-intuitive. They are spread around and I ended up joining lemmy.ml communities exclusively, from another instance.

We could use much more space for the text, so far the text is way too concentrated in the middle of the screen in a narrow column.

Now on the content I’m rather satisfied. It’s still a bit low in volume and if you compare to reddit it’s really small, but we will catch up soon. We should lower our expectations and start building anew.


Seems like you have information about the incident, you should call this number.

Anyone with information about the crash was asked to contact the Highland Park police at (847) 432-7730 or police@cityhpil.com.

Otherwise why do you speak about what you did not see?


The dam sluices were Russian controlled but the dam is on the front line. It easily could have been attacked by either side.

Wrong, you don’t destroy a dam just like that. It takes preparation and a lot of explosives at the right points. This is not a Micahel Bay movies we’re talking about.

Both sides will see flooding but moreso the Russian side because it’s flatter. Breaching the dam will empty the canal providing much-needed water to Crimea. The lower water level upstream could threaten the safety of an offline nuclear plant upriver. I can’t tell which side controls the plant, so I’m not sure who that would affect more.

And Putin doesn’t care about all of that. He has proven it again and again.

I can’t tell which side controls the plant

Russia, They took control of the plant, which is illegal, all nations around the globe know perfectly that no army should take control of a civilian power plant. Every other army is trained to carefully avoid the nuclear power plants. For some reason Russia keeps ignoring the international laws.

But Ukraine could have done it for the reasons stated.

Nonsense, but keep trying

We’re definitely still in the fog of war and it’s ignorant to assume we know all the details.

Textbook Russian propaganda here -> “Nobody knows for sure”… Well, keep telling you that, nobody believes you west of Russia.

The dam was under Russian control and they sabotaged it to slow down the Ukrainian counter offensive. It’s fine, Ukraine knew it was a possibility and they have plans accounting for it.


I would like to thank Vladimir Putin for runing Russia and dragging Russia into an unwinnable war. Thank you Mr Putin, you have sabotaged Russia better than anyone else could. Your strategy will be mocked in military schools and be taught as “The blunder to not do” for decades.

Russia will lose this war and repay everything to Ukraine even if it takes a hundred years.
