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Honestly, it does not look like Facebook did something wrong when you read the article. A pregnant woman used a medicine to trigger a miscarriage, then she and her mother got rid of the body. Police knew that they’ve discussed this in Facebook messenger. They contacted Facebook and received chat messages. Then police used those messages to incriminate women according to existing law. The only problem here is that a woman could go to an abortion clinic and do it properly and legally if not for obnoxious laws in some states. But that’s a completely different issue


You know they’ll go away if you switch to Linux, right?


Stick man with black lines and white filling on a nondescript background. Building is grey. I am tired


It simply is incomprehensible to me how this can even be a controversial or debatable topic. I don’t know if you’re trolling or what, but racism is racism. And yes, historically oppressed groups are perfectly capable of being racists. So not to be racists ourselves we should apply equal standards to all groups.


If those leaders are not newcomers, which is true for Putin, Erdogan, Orban, Xi and so on, there is also another reason. People understand that these guys would not just leave if people would try to vote them out. They will use election frauds, threats and then open violence. So these attempts to overthrow them either fails at the beginning or would lead to violent turmoil which is highly likely to end up with bad guys winning and tightening the grip even further. A lot of people just want to save those bits of freedom and comfort that they currently have instead of risking it all for the sake of possible (but not exactly likely or guaranteed) better future. If you live long enough in such societies, this starts to work even on subconscious level.

Just look at Hong Kong - people were living in a relatively free society and they revolted against creeping injustice, revolt was violently crushed and society destroyed. Now people would be much more hesitant to even vote for alternative candidates (even if there would be any) because they know or suspect where it may lead


Well, I guess we should consider it as one of the trials of freedom. Either you live in a walled garden, or you have to be conscious about what you’re interacting with and exercise critical thinking. If you don’t want to be associated with genocide supporters - don’t register on tankie instances, or even don’t subscribe to any content from them. It should be a personal decision of every user (or instance maintainer for that matter - defederation is also an option, simply because instance maintainers are also people).
Another important thing is to speak up about it - to raise awareness, so to speak. It’s perfectly reasonable to state what the worldview of tankie admins is - in threads like this, as well as on other platforms. I was considering as Reddit replacement at first, but saw a comment on one of the Fediverse sites and digged more into this.


Great job, thank you!
Just one thing - it would be great if these rules would not work on strictly moderated instances themselves because there is no point of such highlighting there. We can configure it in userscript setting in UI. But it’s better to have such logic right in the scripts itself. So far I have just added this additional condition to the block at the end:

if (isLemmy && !isStrictlyModerated(window.location.hostname)) {


How could someone force mods to reopen? Blackmailing? Or they just really don’t want to lose control over subreddit (and possibly see it “shittified”)?
I also wanted to write just how stupid it sounds and that things like that were impossible on the forums of ye olde internet - but actually they weren’t, admins could do anything if they wanted, lol


I wouldn’t call myself a hardcore gamer. Only play on weekends and almost exclusively SP games. But so far experience is great (Pop OS, NVIDIA GPU, medium tier gaming laptop). Steam games are mostly playable without serious issues (adding some launch parameters or choosing certain Proton version might be advisable for certain games). Emulation also works nice (tried PPSSPP, RPCS3, Yuzu, Cemu). I would say that gaming on Linux is fine, unless you really need to play one of the not fully supported titles (especially ones with those pesky anti-cheats). Couldn’t care less about RTX or HDR (would not work well even on Windows with my rig).


In my opinion, cyberpunk is a projection of social/economic/tech/etc trends of 70s and 80s into the future (with accent on dystopian scenarios), while post-cyberpunk is the same but for 2000s and later. Neither of those is now, obviously. But I think we’re much closer to post-cyberpunk now - less freedom, more order, less horrors, more mundane
