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Horrible story.

The only good thing is the kidnappers atleast gave him a good life but the other family I can’t imagine what they went through 7 decades. And that they already died not knowing what had happend to their child.

But at the same time I dunno… 7 decades is long. I think I would have been fine with knowing if my brother had a good life and is still alive and just not mention anything. He is 72 and his whole life was a lie… he was raised and loved by kidnappers, no contact to his family because he didn’t know about them…

I think everyone is different but maybe it is just me. If my parents weren’t my parents ( I am 31) I’d be fine not knowing anything at all and just keep it how it is. Now I am 31… imagine getting this information when you retire. Even if my parents weren’t my parents I’d be mad at them for kidnapping me but I’d be open for a dialogue. Sounds strange, but I can’t change the what people have done in the past and I’d have no “connection” to my real parents at this point in life.

I wonder what I’d do if I’d find out my parents kidnapped me. I’d be confused because I had been robbed my ancestry, history, people,… I’d be living a life I wasn’t meant to live. I think I’d need psych care. I wouldn’t want that at the age of 72. Right now at age 31 I’d need treatment but at the age of 72 I wouldn’t want to know that my life was not suppose to be how it was, especially if I can’t speak with my original parents and my kidnappers.


I get where he is coming from.

The issue we are facing though is that a large percent of humans can’t deal with AI and most laws aren’t even suitable for coming issues. AI is advancing way too fast for majority of society and at the same time for a large percent of our worlds population internet is a luxery and another part of the population isn’t even connected to the internet.

With that being said, countries that are behind will be even more behind.

Captchas now are just clicking on pictures but they are getting harder now.

In a year we will have captchas like this:

“Please click each image that is least likely to have a 50-70% chance of producing exactly 15 nm3 of dopamine in the third mammal that is physically closest to you.”

It was all fun and games a few years ago watching videos and detecting fake videos by counting fingers but now that isn’t possible anymore. 20% of humans can’t logically think about things out of the box and see fakes instantly. They believe in most BS.

I still don’t see what we are going to do with 50% of humans losing jobs. Let them sit around? 50% of the working people who can’t be replaced by AI will be mad asf if they have to work for money while the other 50% do nothing for the same amount.

It’s interesting because I think this won’t be an issue in about 50-70 years. It’s also interesting because I am 31 years old. I am going to have to observe this transition.

I really hope AI will get us off the screens and back into the “real world”. We need less screen time and more social time. If AI adds more screens to us we are doomed.


I’m not from the US but everytime I read Florida and DeSantis I am ready for the content and I know it is going to be interesting.

I mean, Florida has people who race away from cops and hide cocaine up the nose. It’s a wild state. People from my country really go on vacation to florida to experience this. Walmart is a highlight.


It’s the small things that start meaning a lot.

I work nightshift and last year I had nightshift from 22nd Dec to I think 28th Dec (7 nightshifts) I do it for the money and so I am off longer til 10th January.

I always wear my christmas sweater to work and before I go to my nightshifts I stop at the bakery. I am 30 and this lady, I assume around 26-28 commented on my sweat “Hey you look good!”.

I am not searching for a girlfriend because I have a wife lol but this still somehow felt nice. My wife also comments on how good it looks etc. but when strangers comment on that it’s still kind of different.

I grabbed my coffee2go, sat in my car, called my wife and told her a young lady hit on me but eventhough I am old asf (31 lol) and she laughed and wished me a good nightshift.

When my wife and I go on vacation to italy and a car that is still with you after 3 hours drives is also nice. The last time the car behind flashed his headlights 4-5 times before he left our highway and waved. I waved back. We never saw us again.


I think I should start cleaning for Snoop Doogg


Interesting. I never worked for rich.

But I was just assuming based on my own personality that I seem to give more back to society now than I did a decade ago because of how good my income now is.

I never really supported local events (charity) but now I do.


We have dogs, take care and walk a lot, Series, most of the time cook, yard,… we built a house this year. Short Trips to cities, we do a lot together (,imo) but nothing Routine like Tennis or Sport. She doesnt play Video games, I play them on high level (if Starcraft says anything Im high masters), I watch many streams and Listen to msny podcasts. She has no interest in any of it.

I have no idea what she does when I play Video games but whenever I play an hour and get a coffee I see her sleeping ob the Couch with this garden tv show on lol. I think she has no real hobbies and relies on my day plans


Ich habe ehrlich gesagt bereits resigniert, finde es aber gut zu sehen, dass viele Menschen nicht aufgeben wollen und zuversichtlich sind.

Gleichzeitig wäre ich stinksauer, wenn es mich betreffen würde (z. B. Klimakleber) und ich nicht zur Arbeit komme.

Vor einem Jahr habe ich mehrere Firmen für Solar angeschrieben (Angebote) und bis heute fehlen mir zwei Angebote von 5 Firmen und die drei die geschrieben haben, hat eine Firma abgesagt und die anderen beiden erst im Herbst (2025) “eventuell” Zeit wenn die uns einschieben.

Meine Resignation bestätigt sich jährlich mehrmals wenn ich in Südostasien oder Afrika unterwegs bin. Die Menschen können nicht einfach auf erneuerbare umschwenken, die sind in einer Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen gefangen. Es fehlen weltweit die nötigen finanziellen Mittel, in den meisten Ländern der Welt steht die Armut und Entwicklung als oberste Priorität.

Hinzu kommt, dass die meisten Entwicklungsländer bereits so stark von den Auswirkungen betroffen sind, obwohl sie wenig zu den Emissionen beigetragen haben. Und nicht nur das, die sind bereits teilweise hoch verschuwldet und mit der Rückzahlung beschäftigt (z. B. an China) - somit keine Investionen in Klimaschutz oder Nachhaltigkeit.

Nichts gegen Anpassung und Klimaschutz, aber selbst wenn wir alle ab morgen unsere Autos stehen lassen und Rad fahren würden erreichen wir absolut nichts.

Will auch hier keine Hoffnungen kaputt machen… ich glaube aber, dass es nichts bringen wird und wir nun mit den Folgen leben müssen oder mit den Folgen gehen müssen.

Ich bin da seit einigen Monaten ein paar Schritte weiter und überlege was ich auswählen soll und entsprechend umsiedel in 10 Jahren.


Gibt es da irgendwann dann %%%%?

Bin neulich durch die Stadt gefahren und habe gesehen, dass Depot auch Pleite ist und da gab es fast 70% auf alles. Normalerweise kaufe ich da nie ein, aber bei 70% war ich relativ gut dabei.

Da konnte ich mehrere Packungen von den 100 Teelichtern mit 4H Brenndauer kaufen, pro Packung nur 2,99 €. Von Tupper habe ich gar nichts und bräuchte eigentlich auch mal was.

Schade für die Unternehmen die Pleite gehen oder aus anderen Gründen zu machen. Für mich ist es aber recht angenehm. Ich suche aktuell ausschließlich nach insolventgehende Firmen um Schnäppchen zu machen. Im Esprit neulich auch relativ günstig 3 Winterjacken gekauft. Brauche keine 3, aber wenn die von 170 € auf 60 € reduziert sind kaufe ich auf Vorrat.
