Well I don’t have a home server at the moment so I was renting out a server for about $40/month. Mostly because it was eating up a bunch of storage, and I was too lazy to swap from digital ocean.
Also I was using the ansible script and at some point I they changed something that required me to set it up again which I didn’t really have the time for.
I will say Ansible was a lifesaver. It made setting up and keeping the server up to date super easy.
I do recommend trying it out tho, just don’t use a domain name that is the same as your username or you will have issues with pings, especially if you share the instance with a friend. Learned that the hard way. Anytime they sent a message anywhere I was at, it pinged me, whether or not they intended to ping me.
Welp just transfered my domains and it was super easy. I’m already using Tutanota for my email and clouflair for DNS so I don’t have to change anything it seems. Just went to the transfer website, unlocked the domains on Google, got a transfer pin, gave it to cloudflare, paid, verified the transfer via emails from google, and done
I also looked at self hosting email but the main problem I ran into is most IP’s are blocked by most email providers. My residential IP was already on a blacklist and getting it off that is too much hassle
I’m pretty sure I used mxtoolbox before to check my IP. Looks like my current one is actually clean so I might not have any issues if I tried it now
Idk what the minimum requirements are, but If you have any issue getting your hands a raspberry pi, ZimaBoards seem to be cool