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My boyfriend only has a year left of nursing school. With so many countries having a shortage, we are thinking that might help us. Like apperantly in Japan they have a program to get people in for nursing and you can buy a house for cheap. But I’m not sure if I want to love in Japan. About 3-4 months ago I actually had some people from Australia on reddit giving me a lot of good info to help us get over there, and one person was talking to me about New Zealand.

So here’s to hoping. I’m gonna miss my family and friends. It’s gonna be hard, but I’m tired of this place.


You can’t tolerate fascism. To tolerate that and let genocide happen is to be a piece of shit as well.


You can just say you hate trans people.


One of my good friends does tattoos, and he doesn’t do them for pretty much this exact reason. Like on one hand, fuck Nazis and he doesn’t want to do it. On the other hand, money is money. They’re gonna get it done, so might as well be the one that gets paid.

But ultimately he doesn’t want to make anyone else who comes in uncomfortable, and he doesn’t want to slowly become known as the guy who does all the Nazi tattoos. It makes him look bad and means he will get fewer people. So it’s best to just tell them no.


Unfortunately someone just tried to use my bank account the other day, so I’m waiting for a new card to come in, but I got this bookmarked for when I do. I think it’s worth the cost of a cup of coffee every now and then.


Yeah, I gives me similar vibes as “I don’t see color.”

But even if we remove bigotry and politics and all of that… labels aren’t necesarily bad. Like I am a creature who identifies as one of two main types of sexes that is sexually and emotionally attracted to creatures who identify as the same.

Which is a weird way of saying I’m a man who is sexually and romantically attracted to men, but those are labels, so I couldn’t say man, human, etc.

Of course I could also just say I’m gay. While yes, everyone is a little different, it has worked so far for me. People tend to get it.

Labels are not bad. It’s an idea only used by edgy teenagers and liberals who want to be good for the praise more so than for simply being good.


It is a protected class

The first amendment is the thing you’re missing with all of this. People can discriminate against gay people. But only if it takes away their first amendment. The courts ruled that art should not be forced. So they don’t have to serve gay people. But if someone is selling a car, that has nothing to do with art.


I also feel like it’s become more right wing. Or at least now that some people have left, the balance has shifted further to the right. I went on yesterday, and r/WhitePeopleTwitter, a fairly left wing sub, is now having a lot of Republicans. Really killed my desire to go back. It was something I know a lot of people predicted would happen, but still sad in a way to see.

Edit: Also the fact that the main niche subs I went to are dead. They used to be pretty active, but since they reopened, a lot of users were not happy. So now it’s a post every few days. I think one of the subs just got completely deleted. Sadly they’re not as active here.


So you have fascist Republicans on the far right

And somewhat fascist democrats who are right of center

Guess as a leftist I’m good then. Seems to me like we have a right wing problem. But even then, only one of the parties is pushing for genocide


There’s a huge difference between having food to eat

And having millions of dollars doing nothing

Or me living in an apartment

And someone living in a building that could take up a whole city block

It’s not the fact that they have money. It’s how they get it and what they do with it.

I have money, but I don’t have enough to save. I don’t make enough to do much outside of maybe buy a small amount of food for a homeless person. I’m not solving shit. However, living in the city I have had people ask for some change, and I’ve done it. But I can’t do shit.

However, there are people who can actually help that won’t. They get more money than they need and then just sit on it. Many of them get it through exploiting others.

But if we want to ignore things scaling and just reach, if I give a homeless person a dollar, should he not share that?
