

6 posts • 15 comments

<a rel=“me” href=“https://defcon.social/@Irishmasms”>Mastodon</a>

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I do not see CD trading/swapping mentioned as of yet.

ThriftyAv on Youtube has some good videos on the topic:

The two trading web sites are:

Short story: You add titles to your have list and whether they are keepers or traders. You add titles to your want list. The web site matches up your copy to trade to an individual requesting (if they are), and vice versa. You get a CD in the mail soon after, hopefully intact and with the options you wanted (with all art, just the disc, etc). Sending out a title gives you a credit to get something in return.

Best keep your expectations in check. Do not expect to send out Cracked Rear View, Tubthumping, or some other bargain bin title since they already have tons of those already being offered. Also, patience is key. I have titles on my want list for years and likely will never get via these sites; then there have been limited edition promos or CD singles that are now part of my collection.

Keep an eye on postage costs, and packaging discs/labeling envelopes or packages so they arrive intact.

Full disclosure: I have been trading for years (since the lala days), am still active on both these sites, and have sent & received titles from ThriftyAv over the years.


Define old? I have older/vintage Mac gear I use on a regular basis. My G5 still has my entire music collection and syncs all my iPods just fine.


There is the personal/home security hand out from the NSA (yea, that NSA) https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/what-we-do/cybersecurity/professional-resources/csi-best-practices-for-keeping-home-network-secure.pdf?v=1 https://media.defense.gov/2023/Feb/22/2003165170/-1/-1/0/CSI_BEST_PRACTICES_FOR_SECURING_YOUR_HOME_NETWORK.PDF This is an older version, but I appreciate the level of detail on this one: https://www.dni.gov/files/NCSC/documents/campaign/NSA-guide-Keeping-Home-Network-Secure.pdf

Anytime you purchase a car, the PII is shared amount so many companies/organizations. Best submit a “right to be forgotten” request to the data companies as well as the marketers targeting you, and a “do not share” request to your bank, your state DMV, and everyone else that was involved in the transaction. HTH!



Do you have a throwaway email address that could be used instead, not connected to the accounts on that smartcard/yubikey? Perhaps put a phone number or PO box with the message “if lost please call/send to”. This worked for me in a major city, where I dropped my swipe badge and transit card. A nice gentleman called me & we met up a block away to pass it back. I then verified the access has not been tampoered with, and asked for new cards (just in case).


Hey @shaggy959500@lemmy.world what did you end up doing with the server? From where yo uar enow, we could provide some other ideas/directions to head.
