Dota Kehr - Grenzen Zufällig beim bardentreffen gehört und war direkt angetan
XCOM 2: long war of the chosen (lwotc). Have heard about long war every now and again and finally decided to try it out. Gotta say it’s pretty hard but I am starting to get the hang of it
Anwärter für den Darwin Award. Krass dass er es aber anscheinend unverletzt selbst bei 160 km/h geschafft hat sich da zu halten
Any good alternatives for GitHub you can recommend?
I gifted my dad a steam game for his birthday. He is a big Linux fan so he installed it on his Linux system. Now he can’t play it for more than 5 minutes before denuvo freezes not only the game but somehow even manages to freeze the complete system and he has to reboot.
Had to return the gift. It’s a shame he really wanted to play it