I wish, as a brazilian I literally feel sick when I look at this shit, is revolting beyond words, see the same folk who ensured the military dictatorship of 68 here, and helped coup against Dilma Russef(current president of the BRICS bank, and former president of brazil) in 2016 claiming they want to LITERALLY rip my country to shreds and divide it as they see fit. It boils my blood comrades it does boil my blood
They do have war with Russia and Korea actually, Ukraine is as sure as day a proxy war of the US and Russia, and Korea there is us troops by the boatload in South Korea, and since they are in armistice they’re aiding in the war. Iran true they are not in any conflict right now, at least not open and same for China though the US has all that noise with Taiwan that who knows where it’s gonna land.
What a wonderful video, the incredulity of the host the calm of the guy being interviewed, and the takeaway message we fucked up betting against what China warned us they were going to do.
A surprise to no one who has even a superficial understanding of the conflict
Dear comrade Kirby, are you sure its good for you to keep visiting the subreddits that you visit, I am asking out of genuine concern for your emotional well being, sometimes we need to cut back on the hatewatch a little to give ourselves a break.
Shouldn’t have been the first but well better late than never
And it kinda is, even Lenin said things along the lines that and revolution is a group forcing it’s view onto society(only those views are dope and for the good of the people), it requires authority and structure therefore anarchists are either anti revolutionary or hypocritical about their revolutionary ideals
It’s kinda pointless to debate a map with no source or metodolgy attached to it, it’s literally propaganda.