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Sheriff Owens, on the other hand, argued that it was a simple business dispute that any citizen could have called in.

Well, does every other citizen have a vehicle equipped with computers, sirens and have the authority to basically break traffic at will for emergencies?


I think his lawyer personally wants to see the nudes.


Give them enough time, they’re going to bar eating and basic survival instincts. Whatever those are to them.


Just assume almost everybody is an asshole online and you can’t be wrong. Because anonymity has granted them that capability.


I’m a faithful follower of never using your real name in social parts of the internet. We don’t need to know and we don’t want to know. The only ones who would want to know are scammers or people wanting to give you a shitty time. I only use my real name online for people and places in where it’s required like talking to agents from my bank, insurance .etc And very few friends know my real name through FB and the circle anyways.

Don’t send nudes online to anybody. I know of some communities where people happily are flaunting it one moment then they make a post later whining about them being exploited or that they thought they were crafty hiding the nudes from someone they’re married with. They delete it but they’re too naive to think that what’s already out there, has most likely been saved by hundreds by now, so you’re fucked either way.

Another is, is that if you want to be understood, then you need to use proper spelling and grammar. I miss the days when you got kicked at because you used ‘u’ in replacement of ‘you’. It’s just two fucking extra letters you lazy asshole. These days saying stupid shit like; ‘yah fr u tha fam’ is somehow a complete sentence. No, I’m going to give you shit for it and if you want me to bother caring with what you have to say, fucking make some sense. I don’t even get offended by insults when they’re poorly spelled, it just tells me what kind of an inept moron you are.


Ads should never have to be a source of income for anybody, in the same vein that paying for tips having to be a source of income.

The problem are the fat-cats hoarding all of the money so they can piss it away by flaunting and throwing down those millions so that we can suffer ads at their expense. That is a problem.

Millions are spent on marketing, that’s not a secret. You should sit down and think sometime, where those millions could’ve been spent on than just shoving ads and ads down our damn throats.


And we need to hold the people who allowed the company to break ground to provide us those utilities that lead to allowing us to pirate.

And soon we’ll have to pass so many ridiculous laws to where we mind as well just go back to relying on oil lanterns and telegraphs.


Yeah, it is portfolio-padding. I see this happen all of the time. Like, I see programs and other technological products start as newborn projects. It takes 1 - 3 years average to see them blossom, they have their big break and then somewhere down the road, the creator(s) are looking for buyers. Because they’ve made this project now with the means of profit so they can live a life worry-free from all of the years they worked developing said project.

And you know, I get it, I mean I’m not going to disagree with the principle. Don’t we all want to live worry-free with money for the rest of our lives?

But I do also get a tinge of hatred towards some of them because of the hundreds to thousands and even millions of people that have believed in them to use their products faithfully. And now they’re facing a new entity, god help us if it’s someone from a private firm or someone who’s a shareholder ass-kisser. Because now we’re going to experience the dip and we’ll be troubled with moving on or sticking with the shit that now has degraded because the whole thing is entirely for-profit.


I swear there is one dude who is like a frequent news reporter, I see his name nearly all of the time around the instances. But yeah there seems to be just a handful of people who represent the minority that just chat away.


My store is out of them but right now it’s wafer rolls. They come in orange, vanilla and strawberry flavors. All of them are damn good and I end up eating the whole jar once I start eating a few of them.
