I’ve got 9 of the 8TB IronWolfs in my server, and they’ve been great. The 3 oldest are 4 years old now, and I’ve grown the size of my array as I could over time, and switched from RAID 5 to RAID 6 for the dual redundancy. Speed is not important in my environment, so I can’t speak to that vs WD or Hitachi, but they’ve been fine for me.
Mail server or anything using RDP.
Please don’t suggest fiber runs, as the cable is already run and I don’t plan on redoing it.
You said you have conduit, right? Running fiber would literally be as easy as: unplug Cat6 -> tape fiber to end of Cat6 -> pull on other end of Cat6 -> done. If that takes you 5 minutes you’re pulling too slow. Then, just throw on a couple of SFP adapters and you’re solid. No more worries about ground loops, greatly reduced chance of a lightning strike frying equipment on both ends. I think that’s worth a few minutes spent pulling fiber.