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Additionally, that’s why I like the fact that the fediverse is sort of technically complex and not particularly user-friendly, and if I had my way about it, it would stay that way.

Bluntly, technical complexity serves as a barrier-to-entry for lazy and stupid people, and that’s a good thing.

I’m old enough to remember when the internet as a whole was like that - when you had to have some technical knowledge and determination just to get online at all. And I remember how much and how quickly things went downhill when that was no longer the case.


I currently have accounts with four different instances, and I expect to have more. I jump between them as the mood hits me.

I presume that if one of them is defederated by another instance, that will just figure in to whether or not I’m in the mood to spend time there at a given moment. And if one of them turns toxic enough to drive me away… it’ll drive me away.

I don’t think any of it’s worth worrying about. The whole fediverse thing seems to be very fluid, and I count that as a good thing.


Their intent is irrelevant to my point.

2 points

Yes and no.

Broadly, at this point, I couldn’t care less what Reddit does. This is my new home.

In the weeks leading up to my move here though, it wasn’t so much that I was concerned about the third party apps specifically. I did use one - RIF - and the official app is complete garbage, so it would’ve impacted me negatively, but it was more than that. And yes - the certain increase in censorship was another issue, but still, it’s deeper than that.

Both of those things, and much more, are really just aspects of the process that Cory Doctorow has called enshittification, and that’s the thing that drove me away. And if I was still on Reddit, that would be the thing I’d be concerned about.

So it is the case for me that it’s not just about the third party apps, and that censorship is also a concern, but really those things, in my estimation, are just signs of a deeper, underlying issue.

Which I no longer have to care about.


I just want to be able to control what I see. I have no desire to control what other people see and I sure as fuck don’t want other people to control what I see.

That’s it. That’s my entire position on the matter.
