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There are some houses that just radiate this feeling of danger. When you look at them, you just want to get away as far as possible.

There is a house I’ve seen in a neighbourhood that gave the same feeling as what you mentioned. All I saw was a house at the corner covered with surrounding trees in the garden, but with a single window in the middle of the house. It’s one of those post modernistic type houses.

The window showed the staircase area with soft warm light. As it’s the yellow warm glow, it should give you that inviting feeling. But instead, it did the opposite for me. All I remember driving past that house is I want to get out of there as soon as possible.

It’s so weird. All from a window. Just like the particular house you went pass.


Thank you 00 and crius for introducing Mullvad. Been looking for a VPN that doesn’t lock you into any subscription plans.


I am expecting a name like James Cameron, not our lord and saviour Gabe.


I understand your frustration. I live in a part of the world where the whole country is car centric.

There are parts in my country where without a car, you are basically handicapped from doing anything, as public transport is non existent, and there is no proper infrastructure for public walks.

So you have to buy a car in order to “survive”. To go to work, to go buy groceries, send your children to school etc. To add to that, you have the monthly commitment to pay for your car loans, or car maintenance.

And because there are so many cars on the road, most of the time there isn’t enough parking space in the suburb areas, so people will double park or even triple park.

“If there is no parking space, we will make our own parking space”, as we use to joke among ourselves.

Also, the overall productivity of our country slows down in my opinion, because everyone is stuck in a jam most of the time. For some people it takes them 1 or even 2 hours in extreme cases to go to work, or come home from work.

This is what happens when the government does not plan ahead, and have a clear vision. This should be planned like 20 to 30 years ahead. Instead, it is now too late for my country to implement all this effectively.


I do not play a lot of mobile games, but when i do, it is Marvel Snap.

I also do not usually play card games, but this one is very very easy to learn and pick up, and quite addictive once the flow starts going.


Seeing this made me miss a subreddit I used to subscribe to called r/forgottenbookmarks.


The good ones have been mentioned like Fire walk with me and Better Call Saul, where I think they are better than the ones that came before it.

Maybe I’m cheating a bit here, but Casino Royale is a prequel in a way.

I would argue that Godfather part 2 is the superior movie, and it is a prequel to the first one.

Also headcanon wise, Baby Driver is a prequel to both Drive and The Driver.

Ahh screw it. Let’s just have fun. Always thought the character of Brill played by Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State is supposed to be same guy in The Conversation, and why he is a bitter paranoid old man.


Love the list that you have compiled. Will check out a few of those which i have not yet read. Thank you…

As you mentioned Ghost in the Shell, i will cheat as well and include Akira. I think everyone will be more familiar with the 1988 anime adaptation, but the manga is the source material which tells a more complex story compared to the condensed two hour anime. Both the anime and manga are made by the same person, Katsuhiro Otomo.

I think both the anime / manga got a lot of things eerily right about the future, with all the political unrest and even predicted the Tokyo Olympics.


I like to think I’m pretty adventurous (like I love to watch horror movies, etc). But that book is just too much. What are other books gave you that effect?


Chuck Palahniuk’s Haunted(a collection of short stories). It made me close my legs and squirm, and feel disgusted. The first story ‘‘Guts’’ made me put down the book and not touch it due to fear of what i am about to read next.

As Wikipedia describes it : It is a tale of violent accidents involving masturbation, in which the reader is instructed to hold their breath in the very first line.

Yeah, reader beware.
