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The support for hamas is 57% in palestine, Islamic Jihad has 71% support, people with Palestinian background are celebrating the executions, the rapes, and the murder of children on the streets in the western world even.

A more reasonable comparison would be to feel completely done with USA because of the republicans or democrats, but not even that compares since the support of both parties actually are lower than that of Hamas or Islamic Jihad in Palestine

Just a few things thats come up in Sweden in “support of palestine” after the 7th october attack.

Hizb Ut-Tahrir flags, terrorists that are radical islamists, banned in 6 + almost all Arab countries. Their goal is to create a Muslim caliphate by fights against their idea of non-muslim regimes. They recognize no other religion, is heavily anti-semitic, and is founded in Jerusalem

The biggest arabic newspaper in Sweden had 2 editors show open support for Hamas- quote: “may god assist them and give them victory” and “our guys are good” just hours after the attack.

Big number of cars driving up and down the streets honking and waving flags hours after the terrorist attack. In the comments people are discussing how big this demonstration was, and how several streets were completely shut off, aswell as some Danish commenters explaining how it was the same in Copenhagen.

Article about the demonstrations aswell as the support shown online to these terrorist attacks. This one isn’t as credible as the rest since it’s a very right-wing website, but the demonstrations are true and the comments they mention were on full display in support of Hamas murdering jews.

Here’s our government discussing entirely stopping all financial and humanitarian aid to Palestine because of the huge support shown for the murders, kidnappings, and tortures that were committed the 7th. Quote: “We cannot provide support for a government that celebrates and shows support for actions like these”


Last drop in the bucket was how they dug up the water pipes that europe paid for, to make rockets out of them.


Exactly this. People are oversimplify the whole story. In my opinion there’s 2 camps of people who currently supports Palestine.

  1. They just don’t know the historical background and don’t know specifically -what- Hamas did the 7th, nor the huge support Hamas has in Palestine. (to clarify, A TERROR GROUP that has SUMMER CAMPS where they train kids to become terrorists).

  2. They support them because they enjoy jews getting killed.

Concidering how the rich arab countries has reacted during their neighbour’s times of need earlier: closing borders and not caring, group number 2 seems likely.

Just picture that the Palestinians actually celebrate Hamas terrorist attack, they feel joy over the actions many of us now have seen on videos and they celebrate it even in the streets in Western countries.

Imagine that 57% of Palestinians supports Hamas and 50% are against the idea of peace, 71% supports PIJ (Islamic Jihad), all while Biden won his election with 51%, Obama won with 53%, George Bush won in 1989 by 53%, last time any president got more votes than the support Hamas has in Palestine was in 1984, 39 years ago! Source about Palestinians support.

That’s how enormous the support of Hamas is, and some of ya’ll are defending them. You need to watch the videos released of the atrocities Hamas committed, see the actions that you’re defending, but I bet you don’t even have the stomachs for it.


I mean, I doubt that concidering PS5 and Series X has roughly the performance of a RTX 2070, while Series S has roughly that of a GTX 1650. If that’s anywhere near the truth there’s something seriously wrong with the game design. That’s about 150% difference in performance compared to the hardware in this post.

Edit: yes I know I misread his joke, I addressed it further down.


So, this is releasing on Playstation and Xbox aswell? How the fuck will they be able to run it -at all-, 480p and 30 fps on low?


I think this is more common than one would think. Most female content creators that DO get male viewers gets sexualised and the comments are always such a mess.


Well I’m 30 and I have 3, I’m really happy for everyone that doesn’t need and therefore just dont own cars, must be enormous savings per month on top of the lesser impact on the climate.

Edit: Aaaand there comes the car hate- ya’ll are talking about not imposing shit upon others, yet here you are judging me and my wife for not making it by without cars because of specific circumstances 🤷‍♂️ aight hypocrites.
