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He even said Khamas


Germany is creepy as fuck right now. Its completely sliding into Military Keynesianism

The decoupling from Russian energy, the “derisking” from Chinese markets and the move towards e-mobility which will crush German car companies (not saying I want more fossil cars - its just an analysis) are smashing the rate of profit. (That’s a thorough sweep through most of the economic base in Germany).

It does already lead to cuts on social spending which in turn makes ppl turn away from centrist libs.

Who are they turning to? Well the left is nonexistent in Germany, so they are looking the same way that capital which is on the losing side of things is looking: the far right AfD.

Meanwhile the transatlantic center is desperately trying to look for growth potential and finds the arms industry, which is in line with their Zionism, Islamophobia, Russophobia and Sinophobia anyways.

So we now have discussions in Germany that we have to be ready for war with Russia in no later than in 5 years and are proudly opening up new arms factories.

The more the AfD rises in polls the more the center will lean into war with Russia to mitigate an economic situation that benefits the AfD as well as create a narrative that is supposed to keep the “Russia friendly” AfD out of power.

Meanwhile more and more authoritarian laws are enacted to protect the centrist parties from losing power while at the same time Ukranian-“solidarity” lets fascist elements seep in the centrist parties, predominantly the green party and its foundations (Heinrich Böll, LibMod, …)

I am not certain of all the mechanisms but I don’t see any meaningful material development that would halt this. Renewables don’t provide profit rates that can satisfy capitalists.

I guess revolutionary potential in Germany grows higher than it has ever been, but with the huge head start in organization and capital of the right its going to be an uphill battle. Additionally a lot of whats left on the radical young left is massively confused (like pro-Israel, and pro-US), which is not to say psy-OPed.

Regarding organization I see some good development on the left around Palestine, but its often ppl with a migrant background who are massively in danger of state repression.

IDK I hope the more I am active the more opportunities will unfold, but I aside from organising I am considering leaving the country within the next years, although I would hope that we’ll somehow be able to prevent recreating the 30s of last century as well as the 40s where Russia has to solve our fascism problem again!

Looks like Luxemburg’s Socialism or Barbarism again and I am not here for the Barbarism


Living there, was born there, agree with you!

We were exploiting the Euro-zone and now burn it all on the altar of transatlanticism. And all of that with a moronic smugness.

I hate it here. Nowadays German liberal elite has developed a disgusting kind of exceptionalism with a vibe akin to “we are the most humble people in the whole world.”

Ironically having been the perpetrators of WWII and the Holocaust nowadays reinforces the idea that “we are righteous”. We have transformed German guilt into a twisted sense of pride, where our “culture of remembrance” is a sign of our superiority.

(Ofc this culture of remembranc is inherently white supremacist, it’s a different issue)

As if a genocidal holocaust phase is a part of any countries development, other countries just haven’t had theirs yet. So naturally we know better than these “pre-genocide” societies, right?

These days we explain Jewish people what constitutes antisemitism, we explain to the world what constitutes a genocide …

Ofc there is more, we forge ourselves against the US and Israel (incidentally both post-genocide societies) bc it allows us to never question ourselves. Our lesson from WWII, our “humility”, is to accept these 2 entities as our sole judges, as long as they will deem us good we are good, no questions asked


Emacs keybinds are fine, used them for some years. But once I tried modal bindings I never wanted to go back, “key-chords” just add strain.

Fortunately emacs has many options for modal keybindings, I prefer meow over vim personally


Every president is Trump. Trump is the fucking face America always had. People who say Biden is better just don’t want to look into the mirror.


Thanks comrade! I have some disagreement about your strong admonition. We are talking about the only party plausibly in the next Bundestag that’s demanding a stop of weapons exports to ultraright genociders - thats gotta be worth something.

Be sure that I agree with you that some of her statements border a reactionary de-legitimization of gender struggles and I oppose that.

But some of what queer.de writes here I can’t follow. For example: They claim Wagenknecht is shifting blame for rising inequality onto queer people and the single source they give is this quote of hers:

Open-mindedness, anti-racism and the protection of minorities are the feel-good labels used to conceal rude redistribution from the bottom to the top and give their beneficiaries a clear conscience. And they are not contradictory: marriage for all and social advancement for the few, quotas for women on supervisory boards and low wages in areas where women work in particular, state-paid anti-discrimination officers and a state-induced increase in child poverty in immigrant families.

In my opinion their interpretation is completely unfounded, to me that quote sounds like an accurate critique of pink-washing reading into it that queer people are to blame for inequality seems a bit disingenuous. It seems like the authors have a gripe with Wagenknecht. That’s understandable, she never explicitly speaks out for queer people (to my knowledge) and only every decries the discourse as a “distraction”, I understand being pissed at that.

But a continued existence of this party only ends one way

What way is that? I can’t see that even “their continued existence” would end in some kind of purges?! I don’t look at it without concern but I believe the continued existence of her party is a good thing!

A part of it is because I have finally lost faith in the only party I ever supported “die Linke”. With their uselessness in opposing reactionary wars, from an anti-imperialist perspective, they have outlived themselves. Not only that they refuse to take part in leftist peace protest about Ukraine, when Israel began the hot-phase of their genocide the position of “die Linke” was terrible, I get that you have to condemn Hamas as a German party, but going on and on about them wanting to instate a Islamist dictatorship was proactively clouding the real cause for war and was playing Israels fiddle of necessitating the extermination of Hamas by all means. Eventually they were just about able to adopt a cease-fire position, against huge inner-party opposition, but AFAIK until this day they never demanded the end of weapons export to Israel. While at the same time they are demanding the gov to pressure Qatar to end their support of Palestinian resistance. Jan Korte, one of their members of parliament, is even demanding the gov to pressure egypt to open their borders to, de-facto, finally facilitate Israels plan of ethnic cleansing: https://www.fr.de/politik/linke-kritisiert-regierung-wegen-untaetigkeit-92741296.html

And on a personal level: I am involved in ceasefire protests. We contacted “die Linke” from the very beginning, they nervously refused everytime - even when we were still strategically moderate. Fuck that, if I have to have a liberal, at least I want one with a backbone and an anti-genocide stance.

As I have laid out elsewhere, Germany, and the EU as a whole, has taken a path of doubling down on war with Russia and from what I have seen these last years “die Linke” won’t do shit about it, to me they are now just over the verge of being appropriated by imperialist forces. BSW, and Wagenknecht/Lafontaine in particular, are the only ones with a credible/longstanding anti-war stance and as an anti-Imperialist on that front they have more to show than any other party.

Sorry if I got a bit emotional, I used to feel connected to “die Linke” and I am disappointed.


I am gobsmacked by how bottomless the pit of liberal idiocy is. Even they should see the argument of putting pressure on Biden to make him stop a genocide.

But that’s supposedly unreasonable. Liberals don’t even see that possibility. Apparently it is the other way around pressure needs to be applied on those who are against genocide as genocide is just a given. How fucking dare they.

Consequently they see even less potential for political participation than I do, yet they call the US democratic and I don’t.

They want to get it in your head that there is nothing you can do to prevent your representative from genociding, but that that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still represent your interests, “C’mon man”.

“If your representative doesn’t represent your interests, then we have to work on your interests! Especially if you have a problem with genocide.”

There must be a way to wake up from this fucking nightmare. Or better yet wake everyone else up!


You’re right, it is not to be overexagerated.

But honestly partys bending to pressure from the base is amongst the best things we can hope for in a bourgeoise republic in the imperial core currently

From a German perspective the Irish situation looks like a major Win, we struggle from a completely marginalized perspective currently. Palestinian solidarity is niche and is facing huge state repression. A slim majority would probably support a ceasefire, but people are silent. All partys are Zionist.

Even the leftmost party is light years away from Palestinian solidarity, after initial dogshit reactions, they were able at some point to adopt a ceasefire stance while being booed by huge parts of the party. They don’t call for a stop of German weapons exports to Israel, they call for Germany to put pressure on Qatar to, in turn, stop supporting Hamas.

Whenever we try to get them to helpnus with local ceasefire protests they make up some bullshit excuse while on a national level the criticize the gov for not pressuring Egypt enough to let the Gazans into Sinai like their only fucking job is to support Zionists in their genocide without people noticing.

And holy shit, Clare Daly, it is completely unthinkable how someone as based as her manages to be elected. I don’t know what’d have to happen in Germany for that to occur

20 points

Dreaming of a job, of creating surplus for your capitalist and thanking him for that opportunity, is shit.

Dreaming of labour however? Imagine you work in a Socialist society, whatever that means to you. However you imagine trustworthy Socialist leadership/guidance to look like, imagine it exists, you experiencing it, maybe you are a part of it.

Now ofc society still faces challenges, not everything is bliss. But people feel hopeful, encouraged by the changes they see happening around them. Changes, in fact, that they bring about with their labour. Housing being built, and populated. People being lifted out of poverty.

Maybe people come together in socialist meetings eager to engage, they feel their voices being heard, their needs being met. Maye they just want to connect. Without the alienating forces of capitalism people open up to one another, creating understanding among each other.

Renewable energy and public transportation advances. Maybe new means of production are envisioned. Reaction is on the backfoot. People unlearn the concept of externality, realizing we, workers on this planet, are all in this together and that that is the only way to progress. It sets in: We can’t create prosperity through externalization, not through slavery, not by exploiting an externalized global south, not by dumping trash in an “infinite” ocean, not by pumping CO2 into an “infinite” atmosphere, not by pushing the burden onto a gender, race or religion.

As all externality vanishes even the backwards start to wonder why that is not a problem? There is no need for squeezing the life out of someone “other” and isolating ourselves with the fruits of their labour. With modern forces of production our labour creates plenty. Nothing is siphoned off by the ruling class, the ruling class are the workers, it flows to where people need it most according to a Marxist analysis.

Whatever you imagine your labour is directly contributing. Maybe you’re a scientist and work on cold fusion or you optimize new ways to grow crop, without straining the environment through monocultures etc. Or you try to cure rare but harsh diseases whatever the case your funding isn’t cancelled bc you are not making anyone any money.

Or you are a teacher or construction worker, only you earn a lot and you know you help give to the people what they desperately need, whats more the people know it too, they even build you statues and of course you, like everyone else can rest peacefully knowing they have their health covered by the labour of other people.

You are a gear in a machine, but not in an imperial war machine, but in a cooperative machine that cures cancer, educates, struggles against oppression and aims to liberate every single person to allow them to live their life summoning their creative, mental, physical potential.

I would love to work and work and work in such a world. Unfortunately we have to work towards such a world and that means working in a hostile environment which turns the work into struggle, which makes it so much harder.

But dreaming of labour I can understand


I mean, If I can hope for the KMT to win against the DPP in Taiwan for strategic reasons, in this case I could bury the hatch with the SPD just deep enough to accept a strategic benefit would there be one.

But there isn’t: The defining difference seems to be that BSW will obstruct US-led Western Imperialism through rapprochement with RU and CN and will not give weapons to IL while the SPD will do the opposite of all that
