
TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

5 posts • 615 comments

Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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Ubuntu is also stale old software, and shouldn’t be a distro anyone wanting a functional box running new hardware/software should use. Valve realized this and moved SteamOS to Arch so they would have a current stack not constantly 6+ months behind upstream, needing to backport everything to an outdated stack.


He absolute knows about it. He has spoken at the Heritage Foundation, and Project 2025 is founded by people that were in his prior administration. It’s been all tailored to his presidency. He also knows, as does his campaign, how toxic the whole thing is - and it’s the only reason he is trying to distance himself (poorly) from it.


Well, to be fair, I think that is up to each person to perform their own risk assessment. Some people have no fear, a death wish, or just willing to “die for the cause”. I don’t think we should be shitting on performers because they feel responsible for all of the many lives around them, and don’t want to make that choice for all of them. That is something the Right does/wants to do. But I think voting against fascism will prove to be the easiest way, and will have the greatest impact come November. Getting yourself or someone else killed by people that are unwell and armed will just be one less vote against fascism come November.


I want to first say thank you, this looks very interesting! But to help people of the future I want to point out that you have a typo in his name, Hari Seldon which was no doubt a thwarting by auto-correct.


Thank you for being serious, I 100% was as well. So, you are voting Biden, and I will (I think safely) assume that you would then also encourage others in your circles to also vote Biden. Good, you have done your part!

Also stop spreading this right wing talking point about Biden unable to beat Trump. I see a lot of people that say they don’t agree with fascism, but keep feeding into this both sides bullshit that the media is selling for clicks. Anyone that cares about anyone else on this earth should know that Project 2025 is something that should make even a potato a viable opposition candidate. Even Trump knows it’s wildly unpopular, and why he took to his fascist cesspool to disavow knowing anything about it (when his future administration will be full of the people behind it). Trump has no platform he can actually speak of/too. His plans are all to toxic for even his own followers, and his campaign even knows it. Anyone that doesn’t want to see Trump prevail should be focusing on that.

With all that said, I’m with you on wanting a “stronger” candidate, as in one more representative of American (not just the [white] old school Dems). But neither of us has a genie.


I don’t see how you grok that Biden won in 2020 because people didn’t like four years under Trump, BUT somehow when Trump has done nothing but double down on his bad ideas and now filled his future cabinet full of Project 2025 folks, that people are willing to choose the choice they know is worse because … enthusiasm? (or lack there of you argue)

This isn’t like picking a sports team, or a popularity contest, or crowning the prom King and Queen. This is a choice between the guy that wants to make life worse for anyone not white, wealthy, and Christofascist - and the guy that people just aren’t “enthusiastic” about. That doesn’t even seem like a serious choice to me, and anyone needing to even contemplate it needs to become a little less self-centered and think about everyone in their life that will without a doubt be affected by Project 2025. They plan to roll back the rights of millions of Americans, from woman, to LGBTQ+, to Hispanic and Black Americans. They plan to setup death camps and round up anyone they see as “unamerican”. They plan to raise everyone’s taxes (unless you make over 340+K a year - those people all the way up to Billionaires get a tax cut). They plan to fire tens of thousands of civil service workers to install people that have taken a pledge to be loyal to Trump and the fascist party. They plan to roll back ALL climate change regulation, and anything that has to do with clean energy. They plan to replace it with coal/oil, and to remove the actual term “climate change” from all government documents and education materials. And the list just goes on and on for over 900 pages.

I don’t see how if your being at all honest, and have even a shred of compassion for ANYONE on this earth, you couldn’t vote for even a potato over Trump and his Project 2025 fascist wet dream. And this is 100% what anyone that doesn’t want to be living under fascism come November should be educating people about. Trumps plan hurts all but his very upper echelon, but the cult will trick these people into voting against their best interests unless the media stops this constant both sides bullshit that has fueled this cult from the beginning.



Agreed that we hear a lot of this “we need to replace Biden if we want to win” that did not exist prior to the debate. It makes me wonder how much of the confusion is manufactured by outside influencers (just like in 2016) because all the dictators of the world would love to have Trump running the show again. They get anything they want while Trump strips the US for parts and installs his kids to govern over all that can’t escape. He eventually loses the remaining “him” that is left and sits in his money like Scrooge McDuck with full on dementia unaware of what is even going on or where he is.


Why are you voting for Trump and encouraging others to do so if that means you need to flee the country? Why not vote for Biden and encourage others to do the same? Then when the threat is passed we can all talk about the 25th amendment or whatever and try and replace Biden, but we’ll at least not be living under fascist rule.


Well this is all part of the cult indoctrination that has made conspiracy theories a cornerstone of how they interact and interpret the world.

It’s going to take decades (or likely generations) to undo the damage done to the critical thinking of so much of this country. The fact that as you stated they would elect known sex offenders (Trump/Jim Jordon/Matt Gaetz) but still think it’s the “Radical Left” that is the demonic pedophiles is just cognitive dissonance at an alarming level.


This is like the video of Trump folks blaring Rage Against The Machine screaming “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!”, and not seeing the irony.

Or the people bashing Tom Morello for “getting political”.
