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What if you’re a professional burglar? Then, you’re doing something other people don’t want to do themselves, nor do they want you to do it either. The society doesn’t need burglars, but some people do it anyway.


Well, let’s just hope this managed to avoid some horrible skynet apocalypse 100 years later.


That’s ok. You can always try again yesterday.


Oh that’s good idea if you want to visit multiple places. If you’re doing a one month loop, that would be a good way to do it.

However, if you’re doing a one week loop instead of, you really don’t want to spend 1/7th of your time traveling.


The very beginning? How about skipping the flight and all the hassle that comes with airports. Pro tip: Start the time loop when you wake up at the hotel instead.


A few months ago, I did a similar assessment where I categorized potential threats in the following manner.

Category 1 - financial impact

A criminal might gain access to my account, steal my money or make online purchases in my name. The impact is potentially great, but the probability is low. Overall risk is medium. Using good online practices helps mitigate the risk.

Category 2 - social impact

I may carelessly share personal information online and coworkers, friends or family may find out something they aren’t supposed to. The impact is medium to high, but the probability is very low. Overall risk is low. Not sharing personal information online helps mitigate the risk. Besides, I don’t even use Facebook, Xitter and other modern online trash. I do share stuff on Lemmy, but I try to keep my personal details out of it. Also, I don’t use my real name here, so a random family members probably aren’t going to stumble upon this account without first putting in some serious snooping effort.

Category 3 - matters of principle

Meta, Microsoft, Amazon and all the other large companies are constantly trying to learn as much as possible. The potential harm is low, but the probability is very high. Overall risk is still low. I’m using many techniques to limit the amount of information professional snoopers might get their hands on.

So, category 1 is obviously the highest priority, and that’s where I put most of my effort. Category 3 is nice to have, but screwing up here isn’t going the be the end of the world. If you want to know more about the actual mitigation methods, don’t be afraid to ask.


But it is difficult to acquire here on earth.

As uranium and thorium naturally decay underground, they produce some helium as well. That’s why you can literally make a helium mine. On earth it’s also a finite resource, because once released into the atmosphere, it will eventually escape the atmosphere and end up in space.


Here’s my prediction of what that speech might look like:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve got a little secret to share with you. The Taliban, they’re not just some group out there. They’re my friends, good friends. We go way back, way back. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Trump, are you crazy? But let me tell you, it’s not crazy, it’s genius. Absolute genius. Because the Taliban, they’re not just any friends. They’re the best friends you could have in that part of the world. They’re tough, they’re strong, they’re resilient. And they’re not afraid to fight. They’ve been fighting for a long time, a very long time. And they’ve been fighting against some very bad people, some very bad terrorists.

And that’s why they’re not just my friends, they’re America’s friends. They’re our allies in the fight against terror. They’re on our side, folks. They’re helping us, helping America. And that’s why I’m a genius. Because I saw this, I saw this potential, this opportunity, when nobody else did. I saw that we could turn enemies into friends, turn bad into good. And that’s what I did, folks. That’s what I did. You know, people don’t understand, they don’t get it. But I do, I get it. I’ve always gotten it. And that’s why I’m the best, the very best. And the Taliban, they’re the best too. They’re the best at what they do. And together, we’re unstoppable.”

The real version might have the incoherence cranked all the way to 11, but I just can’t write like that without getting a headache.


Sounds interesting. Care to elaborate?

Is it because one terrorist group has been slaughtering all the other terrorists? Maybe that makes them ok in Putin’s eyes?
