You can still be introverted and need those close to you.
You would most likely prefer smaller groups to crowds, maybe self reflect and retreat into your own mind more than others, probably think before you act. You would also most likely feel tired after being in a crowd, feel comfortable being alone(doesn’t mean 4months alone would be ok), and have few friendships but you are very close with those friends.
I am an introvert but I still need my partner, my family and my friends. I just don’t need them that often and I am fine being on my own but I would definitely prefer to be with them than without them. That is why we chose them, right? Because we enjoy their company.
It’s my fault isn’t it?
I am literally leaving for the UK in 12hrs in hope that the weather would be a bit warmer.
He knew the dimensions of the place where the TV was supposed to go.
He went to the store, saw the TV, he saw the box with a picture of it.
So he brought it home, unpacked it, placed it where it was obviously not going to be able to go.
Then he plugged it in and turned it on.
And instead of just putting it back in its packaging and bringing it back to the store and admit defeat. Or order a new piece of furniture Amazkea.
He instead went on here to fucking complain.
The problem with lactose free milk is that it’s not lactose free.
They have just provided you with the lactose enzyme that you can’t produce yourself to break down the lactose.
It could be so simple that the enzyme provided is bot enough for you and you need to pop an extra pill with enzyme.
Or your stomach just don’t like the sugars in it.
First schools in 1200.
First Uni in Uppsala 1477.
Compulsory education to the lower classes in form of oral education by the priest about the bible and two prayers was from 1400.
First secondary level education in 1623. Compulsory reading abilities by all classes from 1723
Then compulsory formal 4 years school education by all by 1842.
By 1858 they changed the first 2 years of the formal school to compulsory primary education focusing on basic reading abilites when it turned out many could still not read.
Kvinna här och min remiss blev också tappad mellan stolarna.
I don’t know. But it seems very wasteful to brush teeth and then eat because then you have a lot of food particles and bacteria still.
Better to eat breakfast and then brush because then you have a fresh breath and no unnecessary gunk and bacteria in your mouth the whole day.