It’s wild seeing my Beavers with pre-season ranks again. Smith has done such an amazing job building the program back up.
I just want this whole round of realignment over already. I do hope that also includes SDSU in the Pac-XX.
My wife didn’t really care until we started The Mandalorian. Grogu is what got her hooked.
You aren’t in the playoffs because winning just means more
I think my father-in-law largely fell into that first category. However, since having our twins, he’s probably changed more diapers in the last year and a half than with his own three kids combined. He’s all in now, so I don’t know if it’s just because times have changed or if its out of guilt, but it’d be interesting to see some data on other grandparents and their involvement.
Knights of the Old Republic
Thank you! I had no idea they did these sales. Destiny is a real trip if you haven’t read it yet.
I tried it for a week and at least in my city it was pretty much unusable. Service is prioritized below T-Mobile proper, so it can be super slow if your area has a lot of T-Mobile users.