If you say Ritalin, you mean the “normal” version without extended release, right? It is individual how many hours Concerta has an effect, but it’s roughly 7-10h.
How much mg of Ritalin do you take in 7-10h in total? That is roughly the dosage you need for Concerta.
Although I have ADHD, I do prefer making a phone call, when I need something urgently. Especially if I deal with a company or a service provider e.g. party location/dj/photographer for our wedding party or whatever. I’m always anxious that they don’t read or answer my message in time
Well, I even manage to feel lonely while I am with others
I love this pen! It writes extremely smooth and feels good in the hand. I found it when I looked for an EDC-capable pen, because I was annoyed by screw-on caps when I wanted to quickly take a note. And with other caps that only click in place I was always afraid of them falling of in my pocket or bag and making a huge mess. This is as easy and convenient to use as a ball point pen combined with nice writing experience of a fountain pen.
Do you have a suggestion for a good air quality sensor (especially for CO2 and VOCs) that outputs reliable results, works over ZigBee and is preferably battery powered? I had a CO2 sensor once but that needed to be calibrated outside really frequently so I stopped using it.
There is a KDE Plasma theme for it called Reactionary. And there are icon packs to make it look even more like Win 95/98
I recently switched away from Lightroom and now use a combination of Digikam as a DAM and Darktable for editing. I also shoot RAW+JPG and you can group these photos reasonably well in Digikam