
Jason - VE3MAL

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You can check what the current state of the radios on the ISS are here: https://www.ariss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html

Packet will make a “braaap”? sound. (Idk, it sounds like that too me), and voice modes, you will likely hear people calling. Nearly every pass people are trying to get in. Remember to adjust frequency for doppler, and open your squelch because the signals will start out weak. More info here: https://amsat-uk.org/beginners/how-to-hear-the-iss/


I don’t think so. You probably want something like AllStarLink instead.


See the note on the home page: https://smsgte.org/

These new regulations have messed up a lot of SMS stuff, but I understand the need to do something with all the spam people get. Hopefully they get the support they need to re-start smsgte.


It’s about being able to watch transactions on, say the west coast, then buy or sell in NYSE before those transactions can traverse the Internet across the continent and change the price. It would be very simple “buy now” commands, used to essentially cheat less resource rich traders. They have used dedicated fiber lines try to do the same thing, but this would be quicker sometimes. There’s absolutely no public value to it, but money to be extracted.


In this case, their time may be better spent finding allies with interests in stopping yet another ratcheting up of high-frequency trading, and the market volatility and unfairness that it creates. There are some deep-pocketed investors (pension funds?) and well respected economists that will be able to tug on the FCC’s ears better than the ARRL ever could, provided the ARRL can encourage them to do so.

Those types would normally be only concerned with the FTC, but in this case, they can make good cases to the FCC that this particular use of the spectrum has no public benefit.


I think watching all those hours may actually change your brain wiring. Hopefully for the better.

I couldn’t really tolerate the animated show, or Babylon 5. But everything else has passed through these neurons at one time or another. Fortunately, it’s been so many years, I sometimes come across an episode I can’t remember and it’s like getting a new one.

Strange new worlds is amazing. It feels actually true to TOS, without just being nostalgic. I feel like Gene Roddenberry would be so happy to see it, and recognize it as his universe far more than any of the other 21st century trek.


Oh, I see. This is kind of what people often do with “Cross-band” repeat modes on some mobile radios -but in your case, mixing DMR and analogue. You need to be cross-band unless you have all the filtering that is in place with an actual repeater. That MMDVM board will be overloaded unless the analogue radio is on a different band.

Yes, Allstar can absolutely be used as a repeater controller like this, but your specific plan might be easier to develop yourself from scratch, idk. Pi-star supports that MMDVM modem out of the box, but it doesn’t provide a way to interface audio, and it isn’t set up to do any repeater controller work. It doesn’t even decode/encode audio at all, it just passes the codec data as-is.

If I was doing this, I might actually use 2 rpis -one just as a typical MMDVM/Pi-star hotspot, and another as an Allstar node connected to that analogue radio. The latter can be set up to bridge to DMR, and thus allowing your MMDVM hotspot to link in. It will need hardware or software codecs though. You might not want 2 pi settups, but that might be handy as your dmr hot spot can move around with your HT.


I’ve played around with this before, and it does indeed seem to work quite well via audio coupling, which makes me think it’s probably a little more robust than typical packet. Glad to see the various new digital modes being developed for on FM. Some people just have an HT and need more toys to play with than just APRS.


Shari is the next thing on the list. How do you like it? I have a radio-less node set up already with a sip phone just to see how things work.


Congrats, and careful with that mod. I purchased a used 7300 a while back that someone did a terrible wideband mod and antenna tuner mod.
