Like he won’t do that anyway?
I’m the kind of person that doesn’t believe in democracy. Any sort of majority rule will inevitably lead to a charismatic leader convincing people to give up their voice. This of course isn’t solved by anarchic rule but at least anarchy will have less tools to be abused by archic meddling.
If you look at the other comments in the thread you will see this image. I made it in response to some others in this thread and shows my viewpoint on the topic.
also check this comment I just wrote:
found the AFAQ questions starting from They are quite long but they do make a lot of good points.
J.2.2: Why do anarchists reject voting as a means for change? Simply because electioneering does not work. History is littered with examples of radicals being voted into office only to become as, or even more, conservative than the politicians they replaced.
J.2.5: At its most basic, anarchists support abstentionism because “participation in elections means the transfer of one’s will and decisions to another, which is contrary to the fundamental principles of anarchism.” [Emma Goldman, Vision on Fire, p. 89]
J.2.8: As Emma Goldman pointed out, "if the Anarchists were strong enough to swing the elections to the Left, they must also have been strong enough to rally the workers to a general strike, or even a series of strikes […]
But I’m fine with people ignoring these considering the circumstances of the american election. It could be said that the looming threat is great enough that stopping it should be a concern.
But still I don’t think america will change FPTP. It would rather collapse. The parties in power have too much to lose. It would only work if you managed to get the currently non-voting population to back election change in a big block. Maybe a petition signed by most who don’t vote will get their attention but it seems unlikely to make something like that.
It is at this point I should probably mention that I’m European and so am just looking at this as a spectator.
tracking people seems pretty orderly to me. After all the NSA does kinda same thing in the name of “catching terrorists” which for me reads as “stopping chaos” or “enforcing order among the population”.
and for me order and authoritarianism is the same thing. That’s why I put them at the same ends on the scale. Isn’t the point of supporting authorotarianism the sacrifice of personal liberty in exchange for societal stability/order.
A social class is a group of people with similar roles in society. In high class authority society one class has authority over another, whether it be the capitalist class or the political ruling class.
In this graph it’s mainly just the capitalists as the political ruling class is represented by state authority.
idiots get to vote too, and so this does matter.
Yeah it does. That’s why I’m bringing it up. To show that there exist these ideas in politics that just seem wrong. I’m attempting to educate.
Also that’s not just how democracy works it’s how society works. We each bring our ideas to the table and (the sensible ones) learn from each other so we can build a better world together. They have their ideas, i present mine.
I’m not throwing their opinion out. I’m adding mine. I do not think that my opinion is more valid (or invalid) than anyone else’s.