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To avoid driver distraction, these ads do not pop up, expand only if they’re tapped on, and disappear quickly after a short time.

You know what’s even better and legally positive to avoid driver’s distractions? Not having any popup whatsoever happening during navigation. It doesn’t matter if you need to interact to view more or if it disappears after a while, it shouldn’t be there in the first place.


Yuzi provided means to grab keys and firmware from a Switch console, which seems to be a big red flag and a reason why Nintendo went after them. Sudachi also has guides and download links for decryption keys and Switch firmware. From what I can see ryujinx only provides some guides on how to get the keys from a Switch but no apparent download links or “shortcuts”

Besides, we should not be pointing fingers at emulator devs. Companies are not your friend, we’re just a means to profit for them.


Running endeavourOS with a 3080 and Plasma since 5.25 (on 6.1.2 now). Never ran x11 and I don’t intend to ever again. My experience is mixed, so to say. There are a few things keeping me on Windows but (very) slowly I’m getting there.

About HDR. I didn’t need to do anything extra to get it enabled on my desktop, simply toggling it on settings works.=, and I can also get mpv to work with some tweaks so I can watch films. On games I would need gamescope to run it, but that comes with a set of issues like not having Steam Overlay and Input, so for HDR games I run them on gamescope without overlay, and every other game I just run them normally. I also have a lengthy writeup on trying to get gamescope to run with the Steam overlay, but ultimately it’s one or the other right now.

On NVIDIA drivers, for me the 555 and explicit sync patches have made things worse. I never had issues with things flickering on 550 except for Electron apps, which would flicker and have awful input lag, but that’s easily fixed by setting ELECTRON_OZONE_PLATFORM_HINT=wayland on my /etc/environment. The issue with 555 drivers is that there are some VRAM leaks happening. They fill ridiculously fast, even just dragging a window will make kwin use 2GB of VRAM. Since there is no shared VRAM at all on NVIDIA Linux, as soon as I hit my 10GB cap, Xwayland will crash along my game and Steam, and sometimes my desktop too. On 550, I would only get framedrops for a while. I should also note that the proprietary and open drivers have no difference at all for me, and enabling or disabling GSP firmware also has no difference.

Lastly, VRR. It will not work at all if you have more than one monitor connected and enabled on your NVIDIA card. A workaround if you have a second GPU (or your CPU’s iGPU) is to plug your extra monitors there, and then VRR will work on your main screen. A second option would be to disable your extra monitors anytime you would play a game, but that’s not ideal at all.


USA users think Beeper was meant just for I message, so by dropping support for that, they “blew their wad”. On the contrary, Beeper is going even stronger now that they stopped messing with Apple’s antics.


Don’t worry folks, if we all stop using plastic straws and take 30 second showers, we’ll be able to offset 5% of the carbon emissions this AI has!


Probably most, but the issue is that most are phantom accounts. See, if you don’t have a Threads account and someone there searches for you, a phantom account is created, where you’ll receive notifications trying to persuade you to “create” tour Threads account. These accounts inflate the numbers, and its why Threads had such a ridiculously fast ““adoption”” rate


Have you tried HeliBoard? I think it has the best multilingual support for all these FOSS keyboards, but mind you, you have to manually load the dictionaries for the languages you want, and same thing for the swipe libraries, but it’s all documented and linked on the GitHub page.


My two cents, I could say the same as the author. My Windows work laptop most of the times cannot wake up from sleep (you know, opening the lid after it’s closed) so I have to force a restart. There’s a 50% or less chance that Bluetooth and WiFi won’t work at all (they won’t be displayed on Windows, like it’s not even a feature) after I turn the laptop on, so most of my pre-work morning is restarting the laptop until it’s working as intended. It’s the third laptop I got from them, they’re different models but they’re all HP, and they all had problems. The Macs and the same HP laptops running Linux have none of these issues.


Maybe you need to get checked for tinnitus, because it’s literally impossible for humans to hear that frequency of ultrasound


But you can do the same with a normal desktop Firefox, none of those things prevent you from switching windows to check things. There must be some other reason why it’s run as an Android app.
