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Yea, the grind is becoming impossible though. My old man worked a summer job and could afford university all year on that.

After joining the military for the GI Bill, finishing that commitment, I worked in IT to keep us afloat while my wife went to university.

I left at 5AM for work, worked as much OT as I could, after work instead of sitting in traffic or stuffing on the train like sardines I studied, did all my IT certs, and left work at 7pm. The weekends I worked a second job doing IT. All through university I worked IT on nights and weekends.

The grind you have to do to reach “middle” class is becoming: come from money to afford college, or go into debt for life for uni, or work nonstop always.

How can people take care of kids, family?


I’ve never had a negative experience contributing to open source.

I’ve also been to scrums where everyone is equal, and we have to be very PC, about explaining “processes” and “best practices” to people that break the build pipeline every single day. Eventually I just coded error handling and guard clauses into everything so no one could screw anything up by not following the documentation being a cowboy. That is a best practice, sure, but you’d be surprised by how people break things even after being warned not to do a very specific thing.

A cowboy that fixes things always 24/7 can be a maverick and talk shit.

But in todays PC world you can also be a cowboy that breaks everything always and spends weeks fixing something they themselves broke…

I wish I could say the things Linus said instead of just putting people on a performance improvement plan.

Sometimes being angry is appropriate. When I am I step back and try to figure out solution where the fuck up can’t happen again and no one gets hurt.

I’ve seen people be VERY angry and even hands on working in jobs where fucking up can kill people.

I’d rather see anger than people dying. Did Linus go too far here? Probably, but there is a time and place for anger and being direct.


Log book rules are a tiny complicated for most to understand.

However, FLSA ISN’T that complicated. If you don’t cross state lines, if you’re not driving a truck that weighs at least 10,000+ Pounds all the time then you’re likely intitled to OT. The Motor Carrier Exemption isn’t really for every office joe that happens to have a DOT medical because they sometimes move a box truck.


Wow, during deployments in over 48cI wish I had got warm food instead of an MRE.

Shit, that totally justifies punching everyone in the entire chain of command after I already agreed to go and do the mission. I should have thought of that. Agree to do the work and then just punch people left and right when it sucks!


Even a decade ago it usually meant ticking a box that you also allowed nonfree drivers.

Even Debian allowed you to download the specific nonfree driver you needed and add it (without Internet) at imaging so post install you could connect with wifi and not just Ethernet.

It’s come a long way. But doesn’t anyone else remember when windows did not have drivers and you’d constantly be confronted with “have disk”?

I mean, the amount of drivers for old hardware I still have saved… Because before win10 nothing would reliability always fetch the driver you need from the net…


Clarkson did throw that tantrun punching producer Oisin Tymon after food wasn’t provided for him.

I mean, I’ve gone without food without hitting people. Would have a lot more sympathy for hypoglycemia…

But he’s not diabetic, although he did start taking that Ozempic appetite suppressor.



American Trends say we need:

Bigger Trucks and SUVS with less over the hood visibility.

Bigger guns with higher capacity magazines.

Bigger more vicious animals?

And bigger Flu?

Welcome to the thunderdome!


If you just did a format and didn’t overwrite the whole disk you could use DMDE, ddrescue, photorec, or testdisk to restore the files.

Or even something nonfree like recuva.

But this is why you’re supposed to do backups in 3s!
