

5 posts • 5 comments
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Any of the southern coastal walks will be very nice tomorrow, like La Perouse, Kurnell and Royal National Park and you might even see some whales - but only the Royal National Park ones would have train access, you’d need a bus or car to the others. I think it’s still a bit of a walk from Otford to the track, and then it’s another 2 hours one-way to get to Era beach or so. What about going to Watsons Bay, or heritage walk in Vaucluse, presumably you can go to Edgecliff station? Another very good one starts from Mt Kuringai Station to Berowra station on the Benowie track (enter from Glenview Road) - very peaceful as not as well known as the southern ones.


Spot on, it’s not a race to be the first to comment, which can also degrade the quality of posting with 90% repetitive “clever” comments copied from the last time, and quality posts being buried, which then disincentivizes people with something useful to say, perpetuating that cycle. Combine that with quick karma and you fuel a system racing to the bottom.

You can also sort your feed to show new comments by default in your settings, it’s been really good in the smaller communities/instances/magazines.


Yes, there does seem to be a skewed representation of the inner city or inner west. I think (although I’m purely speculating as well) that you’re right the writer likely lives around that area. In fact journalism for the past 20 years seems to have conflated “news” with personal opinions (I know this is expressly noted also an opinion piece but I feel it generally) and then presented as factual.

Perhaps we do need as many “metro” stations as possible for the most populous areas within a 10km radius, but just many more heavy rail stock outside those areas with degrees of “express-ness”.

In Paris, Tokyo and New York, for example, their metro/subway is really just useful for the most central areas, then the heavy rail has a variety of (using Tokyo terminology) super express, limited express, express, local to balance time and speed vs distance… you just need to get on the correct train.

Zetland seems to belong to the populous / dense / central area, but as do all the other hubs around Sydney… maybe each “village” needs its own metro network, connected by heavy rail between them, like a hub-and-spokes system?


I felt r/Sydney was not anywhere as active compared to r/Melbourne and the dynamic is probably going to be the same here… but when visitors asked for help that’s when it seemed most active. Oh and when the Surry Hills building caught on fire. Maybe let’s start with a what to do in Sydney thread!


Awesome experience! They have been pretty active although a bit far out from the coast, need binocs but have seen them on the Kurnell/Captain Cook and La Perouse trails.
