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I’m on a break from therapy for a while and I find meditation and journaling to be very helpful.

Write the sad thoughts to get them out of your head. Turn the page and write about a happy memory that is special to you. Write about the people in your life who are close to you and what you like about them.

I listen to podcasts that focus on good mental health and that also have a guided meditation at the end.


No Mud, No Lotus, The Art of Transforming suffering by Thich Nhat Hanh. It’s obviously a book about Buddhism in general but the “transforming suffering” bit is about letting go of past traumas and chasiing things like money or power or possessions, and being happy with your life in it’s current state.


I actually created an account because the moderator at r/simpleliving took a poll a few days ahead of he protest and set up a new community for us here. I had heard rumblings about Lemmy but hadn’t checked it out and her post is what convinced me to do it. It was a small subreddit but I think most of us are here now.


Hi all! I’m another Reddit refugee I guess. I just couldn’t abide by their policies any longer so I deleted my 13 years of comments and my account and here I am.

I’m “just” a boring suburban housewife with an awesome dog and progressive political views these days, but I used to work in medical billing and I’ve raised two boys and two stepkids who are still in my life even though I left their dad many years ago. Five years ago my body decided to rebel against me and make me have a stroke. I am largely healed from that but it took away my active hobbies and I’m technically disabled due to chronic pain and some memory issues.

I have Huntington’s Disease. I’m pre-symptomatic right now. I inherited it from my mother, who is currently living at a nursing home. I’d be stoked to find people who could relate to the whole genetic disorder thing. It’s a heavy burden sometimes.

I’ve been active on forums on and off since the late 90’s. I used to be a mod back when that was a new thing. I enjoy cooking and solitude and playing The Sims. I have a wonderful husband who also loves solitude, and we enjoy our solitude in the same house but different rooms most of the time.

I keep in touch with my friends and family through digital means for the most part because I can’t drive. I meditate and loosely follow the Buddhist principles of letting go of negative emotions when possible and appreciating what is around me. I am a work in progress.


I’m late to the party but one of my favorite places on Reddit was MomForAMinute, where people could stop by and share their news or vent or talk about whatever they need to and get internet Mom Hugs. It was such a wholesome place.


I used to lurk on that sub even though I’m not the target audience. It was so nice to see the men checking in on each other’s mental health and posting positive articles.
