Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep moving those goalposts. I’m not playing your stupid games.
“I don’t know about it so it’s not real.” Typical moron logic.
Dumb take.
Holy shit you’re still in this thread crying? Christ. I’m just gonna go ahead and block you, it’s abundantly clear you’re a vacuous knob and there’s nothing to gain by interacting with you.
Does someone tie your shoes for you, or are they Velcro?
I’m just jocking lol. There’s many reason to be mad right now, a bad joke (there I’m admitting it) isn’t a good one.
My dude… You told a bad joke, you got downvoted for it, and started whining about how nobody understood your joke. Nobody seems mad except you.
But you user name checks out lol.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see you’re as original as you are funny.