Travis used to be brutal about this. Email headlines that were like “Still failing…”, one piled up after another when you were trying to tweak the CI process.
I like to keep my work-related communities separate from my hobby-related communities. So Python/R/Data/Academia communities would be grouped under “work”, and Gardening/Bread/Crochet/3D printing would be “hobbies”, and then I might want a news group where I can see politics, local news, US news, world news, tech news, etc.
This would be really helpful to me for reducing distractions when I’m actually trying to get information about what’s going on in the (real) world or in my specific corner of the programming world.
NIST has abandoned them
Would that my IT department had gotten the memo. They think NIST is god-tier, even when our own CS department is like… yeah, no. And personally, having worked with NIST researchers in fields that aren’t IT policy, I wonder how good their IT policy docs really are. The whole organization is bureaucracy getting in the way of good science and common sense.